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Fasting Exercise for Effective Weight Loss: When Should You Eat?

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 16.

Weight loss is a complex process that involves a harmonious combination of exercise and diet. To achieve this, the timing and content of meals play a crucial role. In this blog post, we will delve into the optimal dietary habits and exercise timing for weight loss.


Fasting Exercise for Effective Weight Loss: When Should You Eat?
Adhering to an ideal diet and exercise timing can contribute to achieving weight loss goals.


Pre-Exercise Meal for Muscle Training

For those aiming to reduce body fat while toning muscles, eating before exercise is effective. During exercise, glycogen stored in the liver and muscles is essential, and a lack of glycogen can lead to the use of protein as an energy source, diminishing the effectiveness of the workout. Therefore, it is important to replenish energy by having a proper meal 2 hours before exercise.


Post-Exercise Meal for Weight Loss

If weight loss is the goal, it is recommended to exercise in a fasting state and have a meal after the workout. Exercising on an empty stomach encourages the body to utilize stored body fat as an energy source, aiding in weight loss. A study at the University of Glasgow in the UK found that exercising before meals burns 33% more body fat than exercising after meals. However, it is crucial to have a balanced meal after exercising.


Timing of Post-Exercise Meals

Immediately after exercise, there is an increased metabolic rate, requiring nutrients. However, there is still a risk of overeating due to the sustained high metabolism. Therefore, it is ideal to have a meal 1-2 hours after exercise. During this time, nutrients can be absorbed in a balanced manner, taking advantage of a stabilized metabolic rate.


Caution with Spicy Foods and Pre-Exercise Consumption

It is advisable to avoid spicy foods before and after exercising. Spicy foods may take a long time to digest and can lead to indigestion, especially during exercise. Ingredients such as chili peppers or capsaicin can cause discomfort during physical activity. Additionally, it is wise to steer clear of salty broth dishes, as refined salt can increase body fat and interfere with blood circulation.


Cautions Regarding Caffeine Intake

It is not recommended to consume caffeinated beverages before aerobic exercise. Caffeine induces diuretic effects, leading to significant fluid loss. To avoid dehydration, it is advisable to limit caffeine intake before exercising.


Adhering to an ideal diet and exercise timing can contribute to achieving weight loss goals. To shed pounds effectively, it is crucial not to rely solely on either exercise or diet but to harmoniously integrate both aspects.
