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Overcoming Trauma Vividly Recalled in Everyday Life: Coping Strategies.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 20.

A recent article delves into the topic of 'trauma' that remains vivid in daily life due to the impact of specific events. Let's explore how trauma is formed in our brains and delve into methods to overcome it.


Overcoming Trauma Vividly Recalled in Everyday Life: Coping Strategies.
To overcome trauma, understanding one's own state and confiding in close associates are crucial first steps.


Interaction between Trauma and the Brain

The intense shock experienced from a specific event is stored in the brain through the interaction of specific areas, including the amygdala, hippocampus, and the regions responsible for consciousness and unconsciousness. When faced with a traumatic event, the amygdala becomes excessively activated, suppressing the hippocampus. This leads to trauma being stored as unconscious emotional memories. Moreover, the more intense the feelings of anxiety, fear, and dread during the event, the higher the likelihood that the trauma will persist for an extended period. Multiple events can compound to form complex traumas.


Characteristics of Those Experiencing Trauma

Individuals who have experienced trauma often find themselves in an extreme state of tension when memories resurface. Negative emotions such as anxiety and sadness intensify. Additionally, physical discomforts such as fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, digestive issues, and numbness in the limbs may be felt. For those experiencing severe repercussions, symptoms like hypersensitivity, mistrust, nightmares, and even mental health disorders like depression may manifest.


Efforts Towards Overcoming Trauma

To overcome trauma, it is crucial to first explore one's psychological state and communicate this to close family or friends. Sharing the psychological burden can provide empathy and support, aiding in symptom relief. Additionally, understanding coping methods and seeking help in similar situations to alleviate anxiety is important. While maintaining daily life, taking a brief break from information related to trauma can be helpful.


PTSD and Professional Counseling

Prolonged trauma can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD patients continuously relive painful memories and may exhibit excessive reactions to minor stimuli. If these symptoms persist for more than a month, professional counseling is necessary. Various treatment methods exist for PTSD, including exposure therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and medication. As the effectiveness and duration of these treatments vary among individuals, collaborating with a professional to explore appropriate treatment options is essential.


To overcome trauma, understanding one's own state and confiding in close associates are crucial first steps. Reducing psychological burden and alleviating anxiety by avoiding trauma-related triggers, and seeking professional help in severe cases, is necessary. Trauma can be overcome with continuous effort and support, paving the way for a new beginning in life.
