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Understanding the Precautions for Using Stainless Steel Products to Avoid Rusting.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 10.

Stainless steel is a commonly used material in kitchens, widely employed in cooking utensils such as pots and pans. However, caution is necessary as using newly purchased stainless steel products without proper cleaning can lead to the ingestion of harmful substances. Let's delve into the reasons behind the generation of these harmful substances and explore safe usage methods.


Understanding the Precautions for Using Stainless Steel Products to Avoid Rusting.
To safely use stainless steel products, it's crucial to clean them thoroughly after purchase.


Contamination from Abrasives

Newly purchased stainless steel products may contain residues of abrasives. These abrasives are substances used to polish or shine stainless steel surfaces. They may not be entirely removed during the manufacturing process and can include materials like stearic acid, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide. Among these, silicon carbide is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Group 2A probable carcinogen.


Therefore, it's essential to thoroughly clean newly purchased stainless steel products before use. Clean the product surface thoroughly with a paper towel dampened with cooking oil, and remove abrasives using baking soda, citric acid, or boiling vinegar. Finally, wash with detergent to ensure safe usage.


Caution Regarding the Use of Iron Scrubbers

When washing stainless steel products, avoid using iron scrubbers. Especially for products with Teflon coatings, repeated scrubbing with a scrubber can peel off the coating, resulting in scratches on the surface where bacteria or foreign substances can penetrate.


Therefore, it's preferable to soak the product in water and then clean it using a soft sponge. If scratches or stubborn stains need to be removed, wiping with a diluted vinegar solution can be effective. If scratches have already appeared on the surface, it's advisable to replace the product.


To safely use stainless steel products, it's crucial to clean them thoroughly after purchase. Additionally, during dishwashing, use gentle cleaning tools to protect the surface, and particularly for products with Teflon coatings, avoid using iron scrubbers. By adhering to these safety guidelines, you can ensure both health and safety while using stainless steel products.
