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When to Start Gastroscopy: Early Detection and Prevention of Stomach Cancer.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 31.

Stomach cancer is one of the most common cancers among Koreans, ranking fourth in cancer incidence domestically. Early detection of stomach cancer is challenging as it often presents no specific symptoms or very mild ones in the initial stages. Therefore, regular screenings and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits are crucial for the early detection and prevention of stomach cancer. This blog post will delve into the causes of stomach cancer, the importance of early detection, prevention methods, and post-treatment management.


When to Start Gastroscopy: Early Detection and Prevention of Stomach Cancer.
Early detection and prevention are vital in combating stomach cancer.


Causes and Risk Factors of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer begins in the mucosal lining of the stomach and can be caused by various factors. Major risk factors include poor dietary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, and genetic predisposition. Foods high in oxidants, such as salty, charred, or fried foods, can irritate the stomach lining and increase the risk of cancer. Additionally, infection with Helicobacter pylori is a significant cause of stomach cancer.


The incidence of stomach cancer varies by gender and age group. Men are at a higher risk than women, and the risk increases significantly after the age of 40, peaking in the 60s and 70s. These statistics highlight the necessity of regular screenings starting in the 40s.


Stages and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer is classified into early, advanced, and metastatic stages.

  • Early Stage: Symptoms may include indigestion, heartburn, and loss of appetite, which are often mistaken for gastritis or peptic ulcers. If detected at this stage, treatment is relatively simple, and the cure rate is high.
  • Advanced Stage: Symptoms may include a hard lump in the abdomen, black stools, and severe bleeding, leading to vomiting blood.
  • Metastatic Stage: Cancer cells spread to other organs, causing complications like intestinal obstruction. At this stage, the cancer is in stages 3-4, making treatment difficult and survival rates drastically lower.


Importance of Early Detection

Early detection of stomach cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. The cure rate for stage 1 stomach cancer is as high as 90%. For this reason, it is recommended to undergo regular gastroscopy every 1-2 years starting from the age of 40. People who frequently experience digestive disorders or belong to high-risk groups, such as those with chronic gastritis or pernicious anemia, should also regularly undergo endoscopy and biopsy to check for stomach cancer.


Dietary Improvements for Stomach Cancer Prevention

Improving dietary habits plays a crucial role in preventing stomach cancer. It is advisable to avoid foods high in oxidants, such as salty, charred, or fried foods. Instead, maintain a balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin A. These nutrients have antioxidant properties that protect the stomach lining and reduce the risk of cancer.


Post-Surgery Management

Maintaining a healthy diet is important after stomach cancer surgery. Avoid fatty foods and those high in fructose, and limit intake of nuts and seaweed, which are considered health foods but might be difficult to digest post-surgery. For those who have undergone gastric resection, it is essential to be mindful of the quantity and speed of food intake since the stomach's digestive and storage functions are altered. Eating small, frequent meals slowly is recommended.


Stomach Cancer in Younger Age Groups and Prevention

Recently, stomach cancer has been occurring in younger age groups due to poor dietary habits and unhealthy lifestyles. If you experience discomfort or abdominal pain, it is important to consult a specialist and undergo gastroscopy. Overweight, smoking, and alcohol consumption are risk factors for stomach cancer, so maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding these habits are crucial.



Early detection and prevention are vital in combating stomach cancer. Regular gastroscopy from the age of 40 can help detect it early. Avoid foods high in oxidants, maintain a balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, and uphold healthy lifestyle habits with adequate sleep and regular exercise. After stomach cancer surgery, continue a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent recurrence. Regular screenings, healthy eating habits, and a healthy lifestyle are key to leading a healthy life free from stomach cancer.
