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Are You Aware of "Aging Odor"? Let's Manage Body Odor as We Age.

by OK2BU 2024. 10. 14.

Aging is a natural process, but it brings about unexpected changes. One of these changes is the phenomenon known as "aging odor," scientifically referred to as kareishu. This issue goes beyond mere unpleasant smell; it can lead to self-consciousness in social interactions and even cause psychological stress. While aging odor is an inevitable part of growing older, fortunately, it can be significantly reduced through lifestyle adjustments and proper management.


Are You Aware of "Aging Odor"? Let's Manage Body Odor as We Age.
Aging odor is a natural part of the aging process, but it can be significantly reduced through proper management and lifestyle changes.


The Cause of Aging Odor: What is Nonenal?

Aging odor is primarily caused by the accumulation and oxidation of a specific substance called Nonenal. This compound starts to be produced in the skin’s sebum after the age of 40. It is almost non-existent in younger individuals, but as the sebaceous gland activity changes with age, the production of Nonenal increases. When fatty acids in sebum oxidize, Nonenal is formed, accumulating in pores and decomposing, which leads to the distinctive musty odor.


As this oxidation process continues, the strength of the odor intensifies, especially in areas where the skin’s oils and sweat mix more easily. The change in the composition of fatty acids on the skin, combined with increased oxidation due to aging, contributes to the stronger smell.


Factors Worsening Aging Odor: Diet and Smoking

Though aging odor occurs naturally, several external factors, such as diet and smoking, can worsen it. Diets high in animal fats can accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids in the body, increasing Nonenal production. Excessive fat intake creates oxidative stress, which intensifies body odor. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial to managing this issue.


Smoking also negatively impacts skin health and accelerates oxidation processes. It weakens the skin’s natural antioxidant defenses, leading to increased Nonenal production. Harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke irritate the skin, exacerbating oxidative stress and worsening body odor.


Managing Aging Odor: Maintaining Proper Hygiene

Since aging odor originates from the body, maintaining good hygiene is the most crucial management method. However, simply showering daily might not be enough. Aging odor tends to concentrate in specific areas, so it’s essential to pay extra attention to spots like behind the ears, the back of the neck, armpits, and the navel. These areas are rich in sebaceous glands and accumulate sweat and oils, which can worsen the odor if not properly cleaned.


Bathing is also helpful for maintaining cleanliness. Taking a bath two times a week can effectively remove accumulated sebum and impurities from pores. Soaking in warm water softens the skin, promotes the release of waste products, and reduces sebum oxidation, thus helping manage aging odor.


Managing Surrounding Environment: The Role of Clothes and Bedding

Aging odor not only emanates from the body but also lingers in clothes and bedding, as the odor-causing substances accumulate in fabrics. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings is equally important. Regularly washing clothes and bedding, and ensuring proper ventilation, can prevent odors from settling.


Since clothes and bedding are in close contact with the skin for long periods, they easily absorb odors. It’s essential to frequently wash items like daily clothes, pillows, blankets, and towels. The Nonenal trapped in fabrics intensifies the odor over time, making fabric care vital for odor control.


The Importance of Exercise and Hydration

To reduce aging odor, it’s important to promote the elimination of waste products from the body. Engaging in 30 minutes of exercise daily and staying hydrated are key. Exercise helps expel waste through sweat, which can reduce odor. However, excessive sweating from over-exercising may worsen body odor, so it’s crucial to maintain a moderate level of exercise.


Adequate hydration helps flush out waste and reduces the oxidation of sebum. Drinking enough water keeps the skin’s moisture balance in check, promoting efficient waste elimination and positively impacting odor management. Staying hydrated is not only essential for managing aging odor but also for overall health.


Skincare: Antioxidants and Moisturization

Oxidation of the skin is one of the primary causes of aging odor. Therefore, using skincare products rich in antioxidants can help reduce body odor. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation of sebum and block the formation of Nonenal, reducing the odor. Products containing vitamins C and E are particularly effective in protecting the skin and managing odor.


Additionally, keeping the skin moisturized is critical. Dry skin triggers excessive sebaceous gland activity, leading to increased sebum production, which promotes oxidation. Providing the skin with sufficient moisture and maintaining hydration levels can help prevent aging odor. As the skin’s natural moisture retention ability declines with age, proper moisturization becomes even more crucial.


Psychological Impact of Aging Odor

Aging odor can have a psychological impact, causing individuals to feel self-conscious or lose confidence in social situations. As the smell worsens, people may start avoiding social interactions, leading to feelings of depression or increased stress, creating a vicious cycle.


Therefore, managing aging odor is essential for regaining psychological stability. Improving body odor can restore confidence and reduce the anxiety associated with social activities, ultimately helping to alleviate the psychological stress that comes with aging.


Conclusion: Aging, Body Odor, and Quality of Life

Aging odor is a natural part of the aging process, but it can be significantly reduced through proper management and lifestyle changes. By maintaining hygiene, exercising, staying hydrated, and taking care of the skin, you can effectively control body odor and improve your quality of life.


Recognizing that managing body odor goes beyond hygiene and can impact psychological well-being and social interactions is essential. Consistent care and proactive efforts to manage aging odor should be viewed as part of preparing for aging healthily, contributing to a better life overall.
