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Is Influenza Vaccination Necessary for Young and Healthy Individuals?

by OK2BU 2023. 10. 30.

The influenza (flu) vaccination season has returned. This year, with the early onset of flu season, the importance of vaccination is even more emphasized. Especially for high-risk groups such as children, pregnant women, and those aged 65 and above, vaccination is available free of charge, and it is highly recommended for them to get vaccinated. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) plans to initiate a national influenza vaccination support program targeting individuals aged 65 and above. Furthermore, for those in this age group, it is recommended to receive both the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine concurrently. The optimal period for influenza vaccination is from October to November, and it takes about two weeks after vaccination for the immune defenses to develop. Although the duration of these defenses varies individually, it typically lasts for about six months (3 to 12 months).


Is Influenza Vaccination Necessary for Young and Healthy Individuals?
Lastly, when receiving both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines simultaneously, it is important to separate the vaccination times in the morning and afternoon to avoid overlap.


However, is it necessary for young and healthy individuals to get the flu shot? For them, vaccination is optional. Nevertheless, KDCA recommends the flu vaccine for individuals with chronic illnesses or those at risk of spreading infection to high-risk groups (healthcare workers, caregivers for infants under 6 months, individuals with chronic illnesses, pregnant women, those living with the elderly, etc.).


Chronic illness candidates include individuals with chronic respiratory diseases, chronic heart diseases (excluding hypertension patients), chronic liver diseases, chronic kidney diseases, neurological-muscular disorders, hematologic-malignant disorders, diabetes patients, immunocompromised individuals (those taking immunosuppressive drugs), aspirin users aged 60 to 18 months, and the population aged 50 to 64.


High-risk groups may receive antiviral prescriptions if infected. Since the flu is transmitted through respiratory droplets when a patient coughs or sneezes, close contact with a flu patient increases the risk of infection. Common symptoms include sudden high fever (above 38℃), headache, overall fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and muscle pain. However, in children, gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur alongside respiratory symptoms, unlike in adults.


If infected with the influenza virus, it is advised to rest, consume plenty of fluids, and administer symptomatic treatment as needed, including antipyretics and analgesics. High-risk groups with a high risk of complications can receive antiviral prescriptions based on symptoms alone without testing. However, antivirals are most effective when administered within 48 hours of flu symptom onset. The decision to use them should be made after consulting with a healthcare provider.


Lastly, when receiving both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines simultaneously, it is important to separate the vaccination times in the morning and afternoon to avoid overlap. Additionally, the vaccines should be administered in different arms. Remember to bring identification when visiting the vaccination site. After vaccination, stay at the site for 20 to 30 minutes, monitor for any adverse reactions, and then return home to get plenty of rest.