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Grow Your Hair with Proper Care: Understanding the Post-Hair Transplant Phase.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 19.

After undergoing a hair transplant, most patients experience a phase called the 'post-transplant shedding phase' about 2-3 weeks after the procedure. This is a crucial stage in the hair transplant process, where scabs form over the transplanted follicles, and as these scabs shed, the hair also falls out. This phase often causes anxiety and concern among patients, but it is a normal part of the hair transplant process. In this post, we will provide detailed guidance on how to wisely navigate and manage the post-transplant shedding phase.


Grow Your Hair with Proper Care: Understanding the Post-Hair Transplant Phase.
With proper care and healthy lifestyle habits, you can achieve successful hair transplant results.


Understanding the Post-Transplant Shedding Phase

Initial Stages of Hair Transplant

In the first 2-3 weeks after a hair transplant, the follicles transplanted from the back of the head go through an adaptation process in the new area. During this time, the follicles establish themselves, connect with blood vessels, and start receiving nourishment. Scabs form and eventually shed, causing the hair to fall out, a phenomenon known as the 'post-transplant shedding phase.' The hair loss during this period is a natural part of the process, paving the way for new hair growth.

Psychological Impact of the Shedding Phase

Many patients feel anxious when they see most of their transplanted hair falling out by the first month, making the transplant area appear empty. However, this is part of the hair regrowth process. Unless the transplanted area is subjected to severe trauma, excessive scratching, or hair pulling, there is no need for major concern. The shedding phase is temporary, and new hair will eventually grow.


Scalp Care Tips for Overcoming the Shedding Phase

Importance of Maintaining Scalp Cleanliness

During the first two weeks post-surgery, the risk of folliculitis and inflammation is low. However, as the shedding phase begins, the incidence of these conditions can increase due to neglect in scalp hygiene after the critical period. Therefore, maintaining scalp cleanliness is essential during the shedding phase.

Using Fingerprint Shampoo

At the end of the day, it is crucial to use 'fingerprint shampoo' to thoroughly cleanse the scalp of dead skin cells. This type of shampoo is effective for gently massaging the scalp and removing impurities. Keeping the scalp clean helps prevent inflammation and maintain a healthy environment.

Maintaining Cleanliness of Pillows and Towels

Regularly changing pillowcases and placing a clean towel over the pillow is also important. This minimizes contact between the scalp and the pillow during sleep, helping to prevent bacterial growth on the scalp. Maintaining a clean environment helps manage the shedding phase more effectively.


The Importance of Stress Management and Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Stress and Hair Health

To wisely overcome the post-transplant shedding phase, managing stress is crucial. Stress can hinder blood circulation to the scalp and deteriorate hair nutrition. By relieving stress and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, the hair's nutritional state improves, leading to satisfactory results.

The Need to Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol and smoking should be avoided during the shedding phase. Smoking constricts blood vessels, impeding blood flow to the scalp, while alcohol slows recovery and can worsen inflammation. To wisely navigate the post-transplant shedding phase, it is advisable to abstain from alcohol and smoking.


Post-Shedding Phase Care

Hair Changes After the Shedding Phase

After about three months post-surgery, the shedding phase ends, and new hair starts to become visible. As the new transplanted hair grows and blends with the existing hair, the overall appearance becomes more natural. However, some hair may not grow immediately after the shedding phase. This is due to the differing growth cycles of the hair follicles, and over time, they will grow naturally.

Importance of Consistent Care

Even after the shedding phase ends, it is essential to continue taking care of the hair. Consistent care over the course of a year helps the new hair grow healthily. The shedding phase is temporary, and with time, the hair will grow back healthily.


Consultation and Monitoring Post-Hair Transplant

Importance of Consultation When Issues Arise

If any issues arise during or after the shedding phase, it is important to contact the clinic where the surgery was performed and consult with a doctor. Professional advice will help find the right care methods and monitor the progress to prevent any issues from worsening.

Regular Check-ups and Care

Regular check-ups to monitor the hair's condition and receive necessary care are also important. Following expert advice helps achieve optimal hair care and effectively overcome the shedding phase.



The post-transplant shedding phase is a natural process that everyone goes through. To wisely navigate this phase, maintaining scalp cleanliness, managing stress, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and consistent care are essential. Additionally, consulting with professionals when problems arise and finding the right solutions is crucial. The shedding phase is temporary, and with time, healthy hair will grow. With proper care and healthy lifestyle habits, you can achieve successful hair transplant results.
