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Understanding and Treating OCD When Persistent Anxiety Disrupts Daily Life.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 14.

In today's society, mental health issues are becoming increasingly important. Among these, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the anxiety disorders that many people experience, and its severity can greatly impact daily life. OCD causes psychological distress through repetitive and persistent anxiety and compulsive behaviors. If left untreated, the impact can become even more severe. This blog post will delve deeply into the causes, main symptoms, and treatment methods of OCD.


Understanding and Treating OCD When Persistent Anxiety Disrupts Daily Life.
OCD can cause significant psychological distress for many people, but it can be overcome with proper treatment.


Definition and Causes of OCD

What is OCD?

OCD is a mental disorder where unwanted thoughts or impulses repeatedly arise, leading individuals to perform certain behaviors to alleviate the anxiety caused by these thoughts. For example, constantly washing hands dozens of times a day due to a fear of germs or repeatedly checking if the door is locked properly. These obsessive thoughts and behaviors can significantly disrupt daily life.

Causes of OCD

The exact cause of OCD is not fully understood, but it is known to result from a combination of factors.


  • Genetic Factors: OCD tends to run in families. Research indicates that family members of individuals with OCD are more likely to have the disorder themselves, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
  • Neurotransmitter Imbalance in the Brain: OCD may result from an imbalance of neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain. Specifically, serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is closely linked to the development of OCD.
  • Stress and Environmental Factors: Psychological stress and environmental factors can trigger OCD. Trauma or significant life changes (e.g., moving, job change, the death of a loved one) can promote the onset of OCD.



Main Symptoms of OCD

OCD can manifest in various forms and is typically categorized into five main types.

Contamination and Cleaning Obsessions

This type involves obsessive thoughts about contamination, leading to repetitive cleaning behaviors. Examples include washing hands dozens of times a day or taking repeated showers, which can be excessive to the point of damaging the skin.

Checking Obsessions

This type involves repetitive behaviors to ensure certain tasks are properly done, such as repeatedly checking if the door is locked or the gas stove is turned off. These behaviors can be time-consuming and significantly disrupt daily life.

Ordering and Arranging Obsessions

This type involves the need to arrange or organize items in a specific way. Examples include ensuring items are symmetrical or in a particular order, and any disruption to this order can cause extreme anxiety.

Repeating Actions or Speech Obsessions

This type involves the compulsion to repeat certain actions or phrases. Examples include counting specific numbers repeatedly or reciting specific phrases, which can consume a significant portion of daily life and be inefficient.

Hoarding Obsessions

This type involves the inability to discard unnecessary items, leading to the accumulation of clutter. Examples include not throwing away even trash, making living spaces unhygienic and cramped.


Treatment Methods for OCD

OCD symptoms can be alleviated, and daily life can be restored through proper treatment. The main treatment methods include medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).


The primary medications used to treat OCD are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs increase serotonin levels in the brain by inhibiting its reabsorption. The effects of medication typically appear after 4-6 weeks, with maximum benefits seen after 8-16 weeks.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is highly effective for treating OCD. The main techniques include Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Cognitive Restructuring.


  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): ERP involves exposing patients to situations that trigger obsessive thoughts and preventing the compulsive behavior that follows. For example, encouraging patients not to wash their hands while reducing anxiety about contamination over time.
  • Cognitive Restructuring: This technique aims to change irrational thoughts into more rational ones. For example, helping patients recognize why excessive cleanliness is irrational and altering their thought patterns accordingly.



Management and Prevention of OCD

Although OCD can be treated, symptoms can recur even after recovery, making ongoing management essential. The following methods can be helpful.

Support from Family and Friends

Individuals with OCD need support and understanding from their family and friends. Providing psychological stability during treatment and responding quickly to symptom recurrence is crucial.

Stress Management

Since OCD is closely related to stress, effectively managing stress is important. Activities such as meditation, yoga, regular exercise, and hobbies can be beneficial.

Consistent Treatment and Management

OCD requires consistent treatment and management. Combining medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy with regular counseling is recommended. Continuous management is important even after symptoms improve to prevent recurrence.


OCD can cause significant psychological distress for many people, but it can be overcome with proper treatment. Understanding the causes and symptoms of OCD and using effective treatment methods are key to restoring daily life. Above all, the efforts of the individual and the support of those around them are invaluable. If you are struggling with OCD, do not hesitate to seek professional help to regain a healthy life.
