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How to Drink Slowly and Become a Heavyweight Drinker.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 15.

It's common for many people to pair a variety of snacks with their drinks. We've often heard that fatty snacks can make you less intoxicated. But is this true? What role do fatty snacks play, and which snacks are best when drinking? In this blog post, we'll explore these questions in depth.


How to Drink Slowly and Become a Heavyweight Drinker.
While choosing fatty snacks when drinking can help delay alcohol absorption and slow down intoxication, this is only a temporary effect and can have negative long-term health impacts.


The Relationship Between Fatty Snacks and Intoxication

The idea that fatty snacks make you less intoxicated is partially true. Fatty foods can slow down the absorption of alcohol. For example, consuming greasy foods like pizza or sausage before drinking can delay the absorption of alcohol in the stomach due to the animal fats they contain. This results in a slower absorption of alcohol, which can slow down the rate of intoxication.


However, this does not reduce the total amount of alcohol absorbed; it merely regulates the speed of absorption. Over time, the same amount of alcohol will eventually be absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to intoxication. More importantly, fatty foods do not protect the stomach or liver. Instead, fatty snacks can burden the digestive system and lead to fatty liver due to excessive calorie intake.


Fatty Liver and Alcohol Consumption

Fatty liver refers to the excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells. When more than 5% of the liver's weight is made up of fat, it is diagnosed as fatty liver. Severe fatty liver can impair liver cell function and cause various health issues. Excessive alcohol consumption and fatty food intake are major causes of fatty liver.


Therefore, choosing fatty snacks while drinking can negatively impact your health. To prevent fatty liver, it's better to opt for vegetables, fruits, and low-fat, high-protein foods as snacks. These foods provide nutrition while putting less strain on the digestive system and liver.


Healthy Drinking Habits

To drink less and maintain your health, it's essential to develop a few important habits. First, drinking your first glass slowly is crucial. Consuming high-proof alcohol quickly can cause gastritis or stomach lining bleeding and rapidly increase blood alcohol levels, leading to quick intoxication and the risk of impairing the central nervous system and respiratory center.


Second, avoid carbonated drinks while drinking or after drinking. Carbon dioxide can cause the alcohol in your stomach to move quickly to your intestines, suddenly increasing intoxication. This also applies to carbonated alcoholic beverages like champagne or beer.


Third, refrain from frequently snacking while drinking. Alcohol is metabolized in the body before carbohydrates or proteins. This means that even after consuming alcohol, the feeling of fullness does not last long, leading to more snacking. Excessive snacking results in unnecessary calorie accumulation, which eventually converts to fat, causing weight gain and health issues.


Recommended Snack Choices

Choosing snacks with health in mind is very important. Instead of fatty foods, it's better to opt for the following.


  • Vegetables and Fruits: Low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals, making them great for nutritional supplementation. Celery, carrot sticks, and cherry tomatoes are excellent choices.
  • Low-Fat, High-Protein Foods: Chicken breast, tofu, and fish provide protein without burdening digestion.
  • Nuts: A moderate amount of nuts offers healthy fats and helps maintain a feeling of fullness.
  • Whole Grains: Brown rice and quinoa can help slow alcohol absorption and are highly nutritious.


By choosing these foods, you can maintain your health even while drinking.


While choosing fatty snacks when drinking can help delay alcohol absorption and slow down intoxication, this is only a temporary effect and can have negative long-term health impacts. Fatty foods burden the digestive system and can lead to fatty liver, so it's better to opt for healthy snacks like vegetables, fruits, and low-fat, high-protein foods.


Additionally, cultivating healthy drinking habits, such as drinking the first glass slowly and avoiding carbonated drinks, is important. These methods allow you to enjoy drinking while maintaining your health. Next time you drink, enjoy responsibly with healthy snacks.
