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Opt for Boiling Over Grilling If Health is a Concern, Changing Cooking Methods Can Prevent Diseases.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 18.

How does the food we enjoy eating affect our bodies? Were you aware that foods cooked at high temperatures or subjected to certain processes can induce the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in our bodies? Recent research suggests that AGEs can act as factors that promote chronic diseases and aging. Let's delve into this further.


AGEs are substances formed when glucose combines with proteins and fats in our bodies. These substances are not easily broken down and are mostly retained in the body, acting as a kind of toxin that can trigger various diseases.


Opt for Boiling Over Grilling If Health is a Concern, Changing Cooking Methods Can Prevent Diseases.
Blood sugar management is also crucial.


AGEs are primarily formed in two ways: internally within our bodies and externally through food consumption. Internally, AGEs are formed when glucose combines with other components in the blood. Particularly, the higher the blood sugar, the greater the likelihood of AGE formation.


However, AGEs ingested through food are generated during the cooking process. Foods cooked at high temperatures or using specific cooking methods are more likely to generate AGEs. When consumed, these foods easily accumulate in the body, exerting negative effects on health.


Accumulation of AGEs in the body can lead to various diseases. When combined with LDL cholesterol and adhering to blood vessel walls, they can cause atherosclerosis. Accumulation in the pancreas can inhibit insulin action, leading to diabetes. Additionally, they can reduce skin elasticity, accelerate aging, and decrease joint elasticity, increasing the risk of fractures.


So, how can we reduce AGE accumulation? Firstly, changing cooking methods is recommended. Boiling or steaming foods can reduce the formation of AGEs. Including more fruits, vegetables, and nuts in the diet is also beneficial. Particularly, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C have antioxidant properties that can inhibit AGE formation.


Blood sugar management is also crucial. Since higher blood sugar levels increase the likelihood of AGE formation, individuals with diabetes or other chronic conditions should consistently manage their blood sugar. Doing so can help reduce AGE formation and lead to a healthier life.
