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Embracing Aging Slowly: Exploring Ways to Welcome Aging Gracefully.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 18.

South Korea is known as a rapidly aging society. However, not everyone ages in the same way. To spend our elderly years healthily and energetically, we need to think about "how we age." Let's examine guidelines for slowing down aging and maintaining health, also known as "decelerated aging."


Embracing Aging Slowly: Exploring Ways to Welcome Aging Gracefully.
Aging is a part of our lives, and we can choose how to age.


Diet: First Step Toward Nutrition

One of the biggest factors influencing aging is lifestyle habits. For individuals in their 20s to 40s, reducing sugar and refined grains while increasing plant-based proteins is advisable. Simple sugars and refined grains destabilize blood sugar and promote insulin secretion. In contrast, plant-based proteins slow down blood sugar spikes, thus helping to decelerate aging. In old age, it's good to consume white rice and sufficient animal-based proteins to supply the nutrients necessary for muscle development.


Sleep and Rest: Essentials for Body and Mind

Sleep deprivation is one factor that accelerates aging. Adequate sleep is essential for the recovery of both the body and cognitive function. Sleep deprivation increases stress hormones and can lead to muscle damage and insulin resistance. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern and finding the right amount of sleep for the individual are important.


Exercise: Key to Building Muscle

Strength training is essential for delaying aging. Since muscle strength gradually decreases from the age of 30, it's important to maintain muscle and physical function through strength training. In the 20s and 30s, a ratio of 7:3 for aerobic exercise and strength training is recommended, while in the 60s and 70s, a ratio of 7:3 for strength training and aerobic exercise is preferable. Strength training can be easily done at home, and maintaining a consistent exercise habit is crucial.


Positive Mindset: Attitude Towards Aging

A positive mindset plays an important role in delaying aging. People who think positively about aging are more likely to spend their elderly years in good health. Since stress is the root of many diseases, maintaining a positive mindset is important.



Aging is a part of our lives, and we can choose how to age. Practice "decelerated aging" by maintaining a healthy diet, sleep, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. This is the secret to spending a healthy and energetic old age.
