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Say Goodbye to Colds: 5 Simple Habits to Boost Immunity in Your Daily Life.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 30.

Colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses are constantly present in our lives. Many hesitate to purchase fruits, vegetables, or supplements to strengthen immunity due to rising prices. However, we can enhance our immunity through simple habits without spending money. In this post, we will introduce various methods to boost immunity.


Say Goodbye to Colds: 5 Simple Habits to Boost Immunity in Your Daily Life.
By adopting these simple daily habits, we can enhance our immunity without spending a penny.


'Sleep is the Best Medicine'... Up to 5 Times More Preventive Effect

One of the most crucial habits directly linked to immunity is getting enough sleep. According to research from Carnegie Mellon University, people with less than 7 hours of total sleep are up to 5 times more likely to catch a cold compared to those who sleep 8 hours or more. Sleep helps our body regulate the immune system, increase the effectiveness of white blood cells called T cells in eliminating virus-infected cells, and enhance the production of cytokines, proteins that regulate immune responses. To improve sleep quality, it's important to avoid eating three hours before bedtime and relax in a comfortable environment.


Stay Hydrated: Preventing Viral Entry into the Body

Water plays a vital role in maintaining our body's functions. Drinking water regularly can prevent the entry of viruses and bacteria through the mouth and respiratory system. Hydrating helps moisten respiratory mucous membranes, promoting ciliary movement and making it difficult for viruses to enter the body. Ideally, one should consume 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, and immediate replenishment is necessary if there are signs of dry mouth or dry eyes. Those aged 60 and above may not feel thirsty due to a diminished thirst response, so conscious water intake is crucial.


Laugh Out Loud: Stimulate Immune Substance Secretion

Laughter is one of the best medicines. Genuine laughter stimulates the production of immune substances, particularly increasing the activation time of natural killer (NK) cells, which inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. According to research from Harvard University, maintaining laughter for 5 minutes increases the substance called gamma interferon by more than 200 times. Laughter also promotes blood circulation, allowing immune substances to spread quickly throughout the body. There's even research suggesting that laughing for 15 seconds a day can extend lifespan. So, don't forget to laugh even in mundane daily life.


Get 20 Minutes of Sunlight: Prevent the Flu

Vitamin D synthesized in the body plays a significant role in enhancing immunity. Getting at least 20 minutes of sunlight each day helps boost immunity. A low concentration of vitamin D in the blood increases the risk of various respiratory illnesses. Since sunlight naturally promotes vitamin D synthesis, it's advisable to develop a habit of enjoying outdoor activities rather than staying indoors for extended periods.


By adopting these simple daily habits, we can enhance our immunity without spending a penny. Protecting our health while saving money is possible through these easy-to-implement practices. How about starting to gradually incorporate these habits into your routine for the sake of your precious health?
