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Understanding the Importance of Self-Examination Habits for Early Detection of Testicular Cancer in Daily Life.

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 8.

Features and Importance of Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer accounts for only 1% of male cancer patients, boasting a favorable prognosis with a five-year survival rate exceeding 90%. However, when discovered late, there is a risk of it spreading to other areas through lymph nodes. According to data from the National Health Insurance Service as of 2022, the number of testicular cancer patients in South Korea was 2,432, with the age group of 30-39 accounting for the highest percentage at 33.3%.


Understanding the Importance of Self-Examination Habits for Early Detection of Testicular Cancer in Daily Life.
Although testicular cancer is rare, it is one of the cancers where early detection is crucial.


Key Symptoms and Diagnosis of Testicular Cancer

The main symptoms of testicular cancer include swelling or enlargement of one testicle or the presence of a lump. While it's normal for one testicle to be slightly larger, testicular cancer can cause noticeable asymmetry in size. To check for this, it's recommended to examine the testicles in front of a full-length mirror and feel for any lumps or swelling.


During a warm shower or bath, self-examination with relaxed testicles is advised. The relaxation allows any abnormalities to be more noticeable. This self-examination is most effective after a shower or bath.


Risk Factors and Prevention Methods for Testicular Cancer

For those at risk of testicular cancer, regular self-examination is crucial for prevention. Risk factors for testicular cancer include a history of undescended testicles during childhood, a family history of testicular cancer, trauma, exposure to chemicals, smoking, inguinal hernia, and mumps virus infection. If you fall into the at-risk category, early detection is possible through self-diagnosis or regular hospital check-ups.


Treatment and Consideration for Reproductive Function in Testicular Cancer

When testicular cancer occurs, surgery is primarily used to remove the affected area. Subsequent to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be administered depending on the stage and type of cancer. While one testicle is sufficient for sperm production, cancer treatment may affect sperm production. Therefore, preserving sperm before cancer treatment may be considered.


Although testicular cancer is rare, it is one of the cancers where early detection is crucial. Developing a habit of self-examination after a shower and being mindful of risk factors while undergoing regular medical check-ups are important for early detection and prevention. Self-health management is essential for a healthy life, and increased awareness and prevention activities for testicular cancer could potentially save more lives.
