Eggs are a versatile food item that can be boiled, fried, or used raw in various dishes. However, keeping track of their freshness inside the refrigerator can be challenging, as it's often hard to remember when they were purchased. Therefore, let's explore some easy methods to determine the freshness of eggs stored in the refrigerator.
Check for the Chalaza
To assess the freshness of eggs inside the refrigerator, you can examine the 'chalaza.' The chalaza is the 'ridge' formed between the eggshell and the egg white, created when the two thin membranes inside the egg detach. Eggs laid immediately are likely to have no chalaza in warm eggs, but exposure to the environment and cooling initiates the formation of the chalaza due to contraction.
As the freshness of the egg decreases, internal moisture evaporates, and the contents contract, causing the chalaza to widen. The "egg shaking" method also utilizes this characteristic. If you feel the contents sloshing when shaking the egg, it indicates a wider chalaza and implies reduced freshness. Additionally, immersing the egg in saltwater can help assess freshness, as a wider chalaza causes the egg to float due to buoyancy in saltwater. The moisture content of an egg is about 75%, and as internal moisture evaporates, the egg becomes lighter and more buoyant in saltwater.
Proper Storage Methods
To maintain the freshness of eggs, it is recommended to store them inside the refrigerator, preferably away from the refrigerator door. According to the National Institute of Animal Science under the Rural Development Administration, storing eggs inside the refrigerator helps preserve their freshness. Eggs may lose their structural integrity if they shake each time the refrigerator door is opened or closed, potentially leading to a loosening of the yolk's attachment to the egg's center. To prevent this, it is advisable to store eggs inside the refrigerator at temperatures ranging from 0 to 4 degrees Celsius.
Additionally, some people wash eggs and then refrigerate them for hygienic reasons. However, this method poses a risk of egg spoilage since washing removes the cuticle, a protective layer on the eggshell. When the cuticle is damaged, external contaminants, including bacteria, can easily be absorbed into the egg, leading to increased moisture loss from the egg's interior to the outside. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe any contaminated areas with a clean, dry cloth and store the eggs as they are for optimal freshness.
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