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Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Suspect Muscle Tears if Your Shoulder Hurts in Certain Positions.

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 4.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons behind increased shoulder pain, especially during the harsh winter, focusing on the commonly occurring condition known as "frozen shoulder." Shoulder pain is a common symptom that often arises as people age, and it is widely recognized as "frozen shoulder." However, without receiving an accurate diagnosis, it may be another shoulder disorder rather than "frozen shoulder." Attempting to treat it solely with indiscriminate patch use is not only ineffective but also increases the likelihood of delayed treatment.


Distinguishing Frozen Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Tears

Two common causes of shoulder pain are "frozen shoulder" and "rotator cuff tears." Distinguishing between the two conditions is crucial, and patients can perform simple tests themselves.

  • Characteristics of Frozen Shoulder: If pain is prominently felt in one shoulder when raising both arms parallel to the ground or behind the back, it may indicate frozen shoulder.
  • Characteristics of Rotator Cuff Tears: If there is no pain when lifting both arms backward but pain occurs in specific positions, it may suggest rotator cuff tears.


Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Suspect Muscle Tears if Your Shoulder Hurts in Certain Positions.
When shoulder pain arises, confirming if it is frozen shoulder and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial.


Confirming if Shoulder Pain is Frozen Shoulder

Even in the early stages, the distinction is possible using the above methods. One significant feature of frozen shoulder is the inability to extend the arm backward. Assistance from another person may be required for a proper examination. Additionally, with frozen shoulder, significant pain occurs when moving the arm beyond a certain angle.


Misconceptions about Frozen Shoulder and Risks of Patch Use

Due to the misconception that frozen shoulder naturally heals, many patients rely on patches and later seek medical attention. However, patches only provide temporary pain relief and do not contribute to the fundamental treatment of frozen shoulder. Moreover, depending on patches may delay diagnosis and treatment.


Causes of Increased Shoulder Pain in Winter

As winter sets in, cases of joint inflammation, including shoulder pain, tend to rise. Many patients with progressing shoulder pain find it challenging to overcome. During winter, muscle contraction and impaired blood circulation contribute to the easy recurrence of inflammation and pain.


Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

Treatment options for frozen shoulder include "joint capsule release," "intra-articular injection therapy," "ultrasound-guided bursa injection," and "ligament reinforcement injection therapy." Particularly, "joint capsule release" helps expand the range of motion and control pain, providing immediate improvement in shoulder movement after the procedure.


Preventive Measures for Shoulder Pain

To prevent shoulder pain, maintaining good posture, using heat therapy, and engaging in appropriate exercises are necessary. In winter, stretching before exercise helps loosen the body, and starting with light activities allows the body to adapt gradually. Aerobic exercise for around 30 minutes, two times a day, is recommended.



When shoulder pain arises, confirming if it is frozen shoulder and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial. Instead of attempting treatment solely with patches, promptly consult with a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. This approach not only prevents shoulder pain but also helps maintain a better quality of life.
