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Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Burnout.

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 2. 7.


Feeling unmotivated, finding work unappealing, lacking a sense of accomplishment, avoiding social interactions, experiencing fatigue, and longing to escape – if these thoughts frequently cross your mind, you might be dealing with 'burnout syndrome.' Let's delve into this issue, exploring its details and finding relief through the practice of mind vacations.


Causes and Symptoms of Burnout Syndrome

Accumulation of Stress

The continuous accumulation of stress is the root cause of burnout syndrome. Particularly, when immersed in goals or work, it's easy to lose awareness of how exposed you are to stress.

Hormonal Imbalance

Stress induces the secretion of cortisol hormones. However, persistent stress can exhaust the adrenal glands, causing them to no longer produce cortisol, disrupting homeostasis.

Physical and Mental Symptoms

Burnout syndrome manifests as severe fatigue and lethargy. Additionally, it may lead to conditions such as neurasthenia, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, tension-type headaches, tinnitus, and more.


Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Burnout.
If experiencing burnout syndrome, it's crucial to address it promptly, seeking recovery through adequate rest and management.


Strategies to Overcome Burnout

Regular Saliva Tests

If burnout syndrome is suspected, it's essential to undergo saliva tests to check for abnormalities in cellular and adrenal functions. This helps in obtaining an accurate diagnosis.

Nutritional Supplements and Dietary Adjustments

Following a visit to the hospital, efforts should be made to recover through nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, as per the doctor's prescription, and dietary adjustments beneficial for physical and mental fatigue relief.


Mind Vacation Training for Mental Relaxation

Mind Vacation Training

Popular among Silicon Valley executives, mind vacation training involves various methods.


  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Take three deep breaths before meetings to feel and experience the breath.
  • Quiet Meals: Enjoy leisurely meals in a quiet environment.
  • Chit-Chat: Engage in periodic conversations with friends.
  • Contemplative Walking: Walk for 10 minutes in a contemplative state.
  • Watching Touching Movies: Watch a touching movie once a week to experience emotions.

Posture Correction and Diaphragmatic Breathing

Burnout syndrome worsens with poor posture, leading to muscle tension and increased fatigue. Correcting posture and practicing diaphragmatic breathing help alleviate stress.

Balance Between Rest and Activity

To overcome burnout, it's crucial to maintain a balance between rest and activity. Recharge the body and mind through proper rest and maintain equilibrium by engaging in activities that expend energy.


If experiencing burnout syndrome, it's crucial to address it promptly, seeking recovery through adequate rest and management. Discover mental tranquility through healthy lifestyle habits and mind vacation training.
