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The Silent Organ: Pancreatic Cancer's Danger Signals. Let's Detect Symptoms Early.

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 28.

Pancreatic cancer is often referred to as the silent organ, representing one of the most perilous cancers with a very low survival rate. It's typically detected in advanced stages, leading to its low survival rate. However, there are several danger signals that indicate pancreatic issues. Let's explore the five key danger signals sent by pancreatic cancer.


The Silent Organ: Pancreatic Cancer's Danger Signals. Let's Detect Symptoms Early.
While pancreatic cancer is termed the silent organ, these danger signals should prompt consideration of pancreatic cancer.


Severe abdominal pain accompanied by back pain

Abdominal pain is a major symptom of pancreatic cancer and acute pancreatitis. Since the pancreas is located near the back, back pain may accompany abdominal pain. If abdominal pain persists for several weeks and is accompanied by symptoms such as indigestion, loss of appetite, decreased food intake, and weight loss, it could be a sign of pancreatic cancer.


Sudden elevation of previously controlled blood sugar

Diabetes can both cause and result from pancreatic cancer. Especially if diabetes develops suddenly in individuals over 50 without a family history, pancreatic cancer should be considered as a possibility. The pancreas secretes insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. When pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis progresses, pancreatic cells are destroyed, leading to the onset or worsening of diabetes.


Yellowing of the eyes known as jaundice

Jaundice primarily occurs as pancreatic cancer progresses, but it can also occur early if the cancer develops in the bile ducts that lead from the pancreas to the duodenum. When bile flow is obstructed, bilirubin accumulates in the skin and eyes, causing jaundice.


Whitening of stools compared to usual

As pancreatic cancer progresses, stools may become lighter in color than usual. If bile drainage is compromised, bile may not mix with stools, resulting in a whitish appearance. Along with this change, stools may become oily, foul-smelling, and difficult to flush away.


Nausea after consuming fatty foods

The pancreas produces enzymes that break down fat, so pancreatic issues can lead to nausea after consuming fatty foods. This nausea can be exacerbated by consuming high-fat foods.


While pancreatic cancer is termed the silent organ, these danger signals should prompt consideration of pancreatic cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical evaluation. Early detection and treatment are crucial for increasing survival rates.