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Understanding the Risks and Removal Methods of Warts on the Skin.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 1.

Warts that appear on the skin may initially be mistaken for calluses, but if left untreated, they pose a risk of spreading extensively throughout the body. Early intervention is necessary as they can spread to areas such as the face, legs, and abdomen.


Warts and calluses have completely different causes and symptoms. While calluses form simply due to pressure, warts are skin conditions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Infected skin cells proliferate due to the virus, causing the surface to protrude and appear as small red or black dots. Attempting to shave off warts results in bleeding, and the virus thrives by accessing nutrients through blood vessels.


Understanding the Risks and Removal Methods of Warts on the Skin.
Direct removal of warts is not advisable as detached skin debris can transmit the infection.


The biggest concern is the contagious nature of warts. They spread through contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. Over time, warts can grow larger by invading surrounding cells and spreading to other areas. Warts in frequently touched areas can cause pain, and as the lesions increase, they can interfere with daily activities.


Direct removal of warts is not advisable as detached skin debris can transmit the infection. Avoiding contact with others, treatment should be conducted under the guidance of a professional. Early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial, especially for small warts, as they have a lower risk of recurrence and transmission. Treatment methods vary depending on the size, location, number of warts, and the patient's immune status, ranging from laser or electrocautery to cryotherapy. Consistent management and regular check-ups are necessary until complete recovery.


For these reasons, warts should not be ignored as they are a skin condition requiring early detection and treatment.
