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Worm-Like Veins and Leg Swelling: Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Varicose Veins.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 2.

Varicose veins refer to a circulatory disorder in the veins of the legs, where the valves in the veins are damaged, causing blood to flow backward. Various factors in daily life can trigger this condition. Let's delve into the causes, symptoms, and effective treatments for varicose veins.


The main cause of varicose veins is when the muscles in the calf contract, exerting pressure on the veins to push blood towards the heart. However, if the calf muscles contract weakly or if one stands or sits for prolonged periods, the valve function may be compromised. This damage to the valves causes blood to flow towards the feet, leading to varicose veins.


Worm-Like Veins and Leg Swelling: Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Varicose Veins.
Although varicose veins may start with mild symptoms, they can lead to serious complications if left untreated.


Symptoms of varicose veins include heaviness, tingling, pain, and swelling in the legs. When these symptoms are mild, wearing compression stockings and monitoring the condition while maintaining daily activities is advisable. Especially in the early stages, symptoms may be subtle and not bothersome, and it may take about 10 years to progress to the next stage, where the veins protrude slightly.


However, if symptoms such as eczema, pigmentation, or ulcers appear on the skin, immediate treatment is necessary. In such cases, surgical treatment may be required, where refluxing veins are identified through ultrasound examination and surgery is performed to remove or block them.


Another method of treating varicose veins is conservative treatment, which involves wearing compression stockings and engaging in muscle-toning exercises like walking. Compression stockings help improve blood circulation, while exercises utilizing calf muscles strengthen the pressure on the veins, relieving symptoms. Additionally, elevating the legs above the heart level in daily life can help promote blood flow.


Although varicose veins may start with mild symptoms, they can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Therefore, immediate medical attention should be sought when initial symptoms appear. It's important to manage symptoms and prevent complications through a comprehensive treatment plan.
