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Exploring Ways to Eat Meat Healthily as Meat Consumption Increases.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 5.

A report has emerged stating that last year, per capita meat consumption surpassed rice consumption. Consumption of the three major types of meat—pork, beef, and chicken—increased by 1.3% compared to the previous year, reaching 60.6kg per person, surpassing the 56.4kg of rice consumption. Pork was the most consumed, while beef and chicken showed similar levels of consumption.


Excessive meat consumption can lead to health issues such as colitis, obesity, and diabetes. Therefore, let's explore healthy eating habits.


Exploring Ways to Eat Meat Healthily as Meat Consumption Increases.
Excessive meat consumption can lead to health issues such as colitis, obesity, and diabetes. Therefore, let's explore healthy eating habits.



To consume pork healthily, it's recommended to consume it with various vegetables. Examples include water parsley, perilla leaves, and shiitake mushrooms. The flavonoid components in water parsley have antioxidant effects, aiding in the breakdown of saturated fats in pork, while the beta-carotene in perilla leaves reduces the impact of carcinogens produced during pork cooking. Moreover, eritadenine in shiitake mushrooms prevents cholesterol buildup in the body. Pork is best consumed with ginseng, as the saponin in ginseng helps break down pork fat, aiding digestion. According to Donguibogam, pork has a cooling property, while ginseng has a warm property. Consuming both ingredients together neutralizes their properties, complementing each other.



When consuming beef, it's advisable to choose cuts with a lot of muscle and low fat, such as sirloin or tenderloin. These cuts are rich in animal protein and essential amino acids, beneficial for health. Especially, they contain a lot of "L-carnitine," a derivative amino acid that helps maintain muscle health and alleviate fatigue. If selecting cuts with fat, opt for white or light cream-colored fat. However, excessive fat consumption, even with less meat, can lead to excessive fat intake, so maintaining a moderate amount is essential.



When making broth dishes with bone-in chicken, adding vinegar is recommended. Vinegar helps dissolve the calcium contained in chicken bones into the broth. While the calcium absorption rate of chicken boiled in plain water is about 30%, adding vinegar and boiling the chicken increases the calcium absorption rate to about 60%. Additionally, the "acetic acid" in vinegar helps alleviate fatigue. When cooking, it's good to add vinegar, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, and season with a little salt to consume the nutritious broth with the meat.


Refer to the above information to consume meat in appropriate amounts and cooking methods to maintain health. Creating a healthier diet by harmonizing with vegetables will contribute to better overall health.
