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Adrenal Fatigue: Consider it if You're Still Tired Despite Getting Enough Sleep.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 7.

If you find yourself constantly fatigued and tired despite getting adequate sleep, it might not just be temporary exhaustion. Symptoms persisting for over six months should raise suspicion for adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands play a crucial role in our body's endocrine system, secreting various hormones to regulate bodily functions. Among them, cortisol plays a vital role in supplying energy to the body during stressful situations and combating stress. Therefore, insufficient cortisol levels can lead to feelings of fatigue and lethargy.


Adrenal Fatigue: Consider it if You're Still Tired Despite Getting Enough Sleep.
Adrenal fatigue is a significant condition that requires attention, and managing it necessitates appropriate treatment and healthy lifestyle habits.


The primary cause of adrenal fatigue is cortisol deficiency, which can result from irregular eating habits, excessive exercise, alcohol consumption, smoking, and other factors. These factors can lead to reduced cortisol secretion, exacerbating feelings of fatigue. Particularly, a cortisol concentration in the blood of less than 8 μg/dL is associated with a high likelihood of experiencing fatigue. When adrenal fatigue is present, symptoms such as emotional fluctuations, indigestion, swelling, headaches, and insomnia may occur.


When suspecting adrenal fatigue, the most accurate method is to confirm cortisol levels through blood tests. Additionally, diagnoses of adrenal fatigue can be made through iris tests, saliva hormone tests at different times of the day, and heavy metal tests. A simple method such as scratching the skin with a fingernail can also be helpful in suspecting adrenal fatigue.


To manage adrenal fatigue, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. This includes adhering to regular eating habits and ensuring sufficient sleep. Additionally, adequate intake of vitamin C and magnesium to promote adrenal function is beneficial. Above all, avoiding and managing stress is essential. If symptoms persist, seeking medical attention is advisable. In severe cases, injection therapy to stimulate adrenal hormones may be considered.


Adrenal fatigue is a significant condition that requires attention, and managing it necessitates appropriate treatment and healthy lifestyle habits. Remember, awareness and prevention of adrenal fatigue are crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
