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Understanding Common Mistakes in Coffee Habits.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 18.

Coffee has become an essential beverage for many people, helping them start their day and gain energy. However, incorrect coffee drinking habits can pose risks to health. Below, we will examine five harmful coffee habits to health.


Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach: Inducing Digestive Disorders

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can induce digestive disorders. The caffeine and fatty acids in coffee can stimulate the stomach lining, leading to conditions like gastritis, peptic ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome. Particularly in an empty stomach state, increased gastric acid secretion can burden the digestive system further. Individuals with digestive issues should especially avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.


Understanding Common Mistakes in Coffee Habits.
Avoiding the five mentioned bad habits of coffee consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy coffee lifestyle.


Chewing Ice: Causing Tooth Cracks

Chewing ice after consuming iced coffee is detrimental to dental health. Chewing ice causes a temporary contraction and significant shock to the teeth. This can result in microscopic cracks in the teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity and pain over time. The habit of chewing ice should be avoided as much as possible.


Drinking Hot Coffee: Irritating the Esophagus

Repeatedly drinking hot coffee can increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Hot beverages can irritate the esophagus, damaging the esophageal mucosal cells, which may lead to cancerous changes. Therefore, it's essential to avoid drinking excessively hot coffee.


Drinking Coffee for Hangovers: Depleting Fluids

While coffee may temporarily relieve thirst, it actually depletes fluids from the body. Caffeine in coffee acts as a diuretic, causing the body to lose fluids. Therefore, drinking coffee for hangovers may worsen dehydration. Instead, opting for water is a better choice.


Enjoying Coffee Mixtures with Cigarettes: Inducing Respiratory Diseases

Combining coffee mixtures with cigarettes to enjoy the sweetness while smoking can induce severe respiratory diseases. Coffee mixtures often contain sugar and cream, increasing the intake of these components can lead to obesity and oxidative stress on the respiratory system. Additionally, when consumed with the toxins from cigarettes, the respiratory system may suffer more significant impacts. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid enjoying coffee mixtures with cigarettes.


Avoiding the five mentioned bad habits of coffee consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy coffee lifestyle. It's important to enjoy coffee carefully and be mindful of health implications.