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Considering Herbal Medicine After a Car Accident? Let's Explore Why Traditional Korean Medicine is Popular.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 25.

The Importance of Addressing Aftereffects of Car Accidents

Car accidents, regardless of their severity, can lead to various physical and psychological aftereffects. Even if there are no apparent injuries immediately after the accident, it is crucial not to be complacent. Minor accidents, if not properly treated, can result in serious long-term consequences. Therefore, it is important to visit a hospital promptly for a thorough examination and to begin any necessary treatment.


Considering Herbal Medicine After a Car Accident? Let's Explore Why Traditional Korean Medicine is Popular.
While the aftereffects of car accidents might not be immediately apparent, they can lead to various physical and psychological symptoms over time.


Symptoms and Risks of Aftereffects from Car Accidents

Aftereffects from car accidents encompass a range of physical and psychological symptoms. Physically, one might experience pain in areas such as the neck, shoulders, back, legs, knees, and ankles. Psychological aftereffects can include headaches, nausea, indigestion, swelling, chronic fatigue, anxiety, memory issues, sleep deprivation, and depression.


Common symptoms include neck stiffness and pain, heaviness and soreness in the shoulders, pain and numbness in the back and legs, and frequent complaints of headaches, fatigue, and lethargy. Additional symptoms may include tingling and swelling in the arms, eye strain, heartburn, and feelings of tightness. Notably, rear-end collisions can cause whiplash injuries, leading to nerve, ligament, and muscle damage in the cervical spine.


The risk of chronic aftereffects is high. Research indicates that over 70% of car accident patients recover within a year, but about 30% continue to experience symptoms beyond a year, potentially leading to chronic pain. Pre-existing conditions like disc herniation or stenosis can exacerbate pain, and elderly patients may experience more severe aftereffects.


The Effectiveness and Approach of Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM)

Recently, with the inclusion of TKM treatments under health insurance coverage, many patients with car accident aftereffects are opting for these treatments. The insurance procedures are straightforward, allowing patients to receive effective treatments without the burden of high costs.


TKM primarily involves herbal medicine and acupuncture, supplemented with pharmacopuncture, bee venom therapy, Chuna manual therapy, and manual physical therapy. The main goal is to remove stagnant blood (瘀血), promote the circulation of qi and blood through the meridians, and restore the body’s balance. Stagnant blood is characterized by blood that has lost its normal physiological function and remains in the body, often causing pain that intensifies at night. If not addressed, the treatment period may be prolonged, and other treatments may not be as effective, making the removal of stagnant blood essential.


After removing stagnant blood, Chuna therapy is used to correct misaligned cervical vertebrae. Chuna therapy applies physical force directly to treat chronic musculoskeletal pain, benefiting not only those with aftereffects from car accidents but also individuals with posture-related issues.


Specific Methods of TKM

  • Herbal Medicine: Customized according to the patient's constitution and symptoms, herbal medicine aids in improving the circulation of qi and blood, reducing inflammation, and enhancing immunity.
  • Acupuncture: Effective in alleviating pain, improving blood circulation, and restoring nerve function.
  • Pharmacopuncture: Involves injecting herbal extracts directly into the affected areas to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • Bee Venom Therapy: Utilizes bee venom for its strong anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects to reduce pain.
  • Chuna Manual Therapy: Performed by specialists using hands or tools to correct misaligned vertebrae and joints, helping to improve posture and alleviate pain.
  • Manual Physical Therapy: Involves direct manipulation of muscles and joints to relax tense muscles and reduce pain.


Prevention and Management of Aftereffects from Car Accidents

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing and effectively managing aftereffects from car accidents. Even in the absence of pain, undergoing a professional examination to detect potential issues and receive appropriate treatment is important. Additionally, avoiding strenuous physical activities and taking adequate rest for a certain period after the accident is recommended.


TKM has proven to be an effective approach for managing aftereffects from car accidents. Through the removal of stagnant blood, promotion of qi and blood circulation, and restoration of body balance, TKM helps reduce pain and prevent long-term aftereffects. This facilitates quick recovery and a return to daily life.



While the aftereffects of car accidents might not be immediately apparent, they can lead to various physical and psychological symptoms over time. TKM effectively manages these aftereffects by removing stagnant blood, promoting qi and blood circulation, and restoring body balance, thereby reducing pain and preventing long-term issues. Receiving TKM treatment promptly after an accident significantly aids in health recovery and a swift return to daily activities.
