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Why Smiling Even When There’s Nothing to Smile About is Top-Tier: The Positive Effects of Forced Laughter.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 29.

Many people know that laughter is good for health. However, we usually focus on the benefits of natural laughter and might not be aware of whether forced laughter can offer the same effects. In this blog post, we will explore how forced laughter affects our health and why we should consciously practice smiling even if it feels forced.


Why Smiling Even When There’s Nothing to Smile About is Top-Tier: The Positive Effects of Forced Laughter.
Research and theories have proven that even forced laughter is beneficial for health.


Physiological Effects of Laughter

Laughter induces a complex set of physiological reactions beyond mere emotional expression. When we laugh, several changes occur in our body that promote overall health.

  • Heart Health: Laughter helps regulate heart rate. It stabilizes the heart, which may be racing due to stress, thereby enhancing cardiovascular health.
  • Immune System Boost: Laughter activates the immune system, increasing the number of immune cells. It particularly promotes the secretion of gamma interferon, an antibody that strengthens resistance to pathogens.
  • Endorphin Release: Laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, natural painkillers, which reduce pain and enhance mood.

Health Benefits of Forced Laughter

Interestingly, forced laughter can offer health benefits similar to those of natural laughter. This phenomenon can be explained by the "facial feedback hypothesis" in psychology.


Facial Feedback Hypothesis

The facial feedback hypothesis posits that making specific facial expressions can elicit corresponding emotions. In other words, merely forming a smiling expression can improve your mood. Research indicates that even forced laughter can make the brain believe we are happy, leading to the release of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and producing similar positive effects as genuine laughter.


Research Findings

Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of forced laughter. For instance, individuals who force themselves to laugh recover from stress more quickly and their heart rates return to normal faster than those who do not. Another study found that just 15 seconds of hearty laughter activates endorphins and immune cells, potentially extending life by two days.


Ways to Increase Laughter in Daily Life

Incorporating laughter into your daily routine is essential for maintaining health. Here are some ways to consciously increase laughter.

  • Practice Laughing Practicing laughter consciously is a great way to boost health. Try looking in the mirror and maintaining a smiling expression for at least 15 seconds. Simply lowering your eyes and raising the corners of your mouth can make your brain believe you are laughing, leading to serotonin release.
  • Conversations with Family and Friends Engaging in conversations with family or friends that induce laughter is another effective method. Create situations that naturally lead to laughter during your interactions. When laughter arises, try to laugh louder and longer consciously.
  • Finding Positive Thoughts and Humor Maintaining positive thoughts and finding small bits of humor in everyday life is crucial. Laughter is closely linked to a positive attitude. Make an effort to discover humor and joy in minor things.


Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapy

Another way to incorporate laughter into daily life is through laughter yoga and laughter therapy, which focus on enhancing physical and mental health through laughter.


Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga combines laughter with yogic breathing exercises. This practice intentionally triggers laughter to relieve stress and boost immunity. It is typically conducted in group settings where participants encourage each other’s laughter, leading to natural laughter.


Laughter Therapy

Laughter therapy uses laughter as a form of psychological treatment, particularly effective for addressing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Laughter therapists help patients experience positive emotions through various activities.


Managing Workplace Stress with Laughter

Laughter plays a significant role in managing workplace stress, which can decrease productivity and negatively impact overall health. Here are some ways to manage stress with laughter at work.

  • Laughter-Inducing Activities Plan activities at work that promote laughter. For example, organize short laughter sessions or share humorous emails among colleagues.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment Foster a positive work environment by encouraging each other and celebrating small achievements with laughter.
  • Developing a Sense of Humor Developing a sense of humor at work can be beneficial. Humor helps alleviate tense situations and strengthens relationships among colleagues. It is essential to use appropriate humor according to the context.



Research and theories have proven that even forced laughter is beneficial for health. Laughter improves heart health, boosts the immune system, and stimulates endorphin release, among other positive effects. Consciously practicing laughter and seeking it out in daily life can significantly enhance our overall health.


Start incorporating laughter into your life today. Laugh with family and friends, maintain positive thoughts, and seek out small moments of joy. By doing so, you can lead a healthier and happier life. Laughter is the best medicine. Begin practicing laughter for health right now.
