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Should You Cleanse Even If You Stayed Indoors All Day? Understanding Why You Should Wash On Time, Even Without Going Out.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 3.

Do I need to wash my face with cleansing foam if I've been indoors all day?

Many people wonder whether they need to use cleansing foam on days when they've stayed indoors all day or haven't gone out. They may think that since they haven't applied sunscreen or makeup, simply washing with water should suffice. However, skincare experts advise using cleansing foam even on days when you haven't gone out. But why is that?


Should You Cleanse Even If You Stayed Indoors All Day? Understanding Why You Should Wash On Time, Even Without Going Out.
Using cleansing foam on days when you've been indoors all day is important for maintaining skin health.


Why is cleansing foam necessary?

Removing Sebum, Sweat, and Fine Dust

Throughout the day, our skin secretes sebum and sweat. Even if no external pollutants enter, the skin naturally produces impurities. Sebum, sweat, and indoor pollutants or dust mites can accumulate on the skin's surface during the day. Simply washing with water may not effectively remove these substances.

Protecting the Skin Barrier

Cleansing foam effectively removes these impurities while protecting the skin's barrier. Particularly, acidic cleansing foam helps maintain the skin's pH balance. Since the skin is healthiest in an acidic state, using acidic cleansing foam helps protect the skin barrier and minimize irritation.


When is cleansing foam more necessary?

During Sweaty Days

On hot days or when indoor temperatures are high, it's advisable to cleanse with foam. Sweat leaves salt and impurities on the skin's surface, making it difficult to thoroughly cleanse with water alone.

Frequent Outdoor Activities

Even if you haven't applied makeup, frequent outdoor activities necessitate using cleansing foam. Airborne pollutants, pollen, fine dust, etc., can adhere to the skin. Especially on days with high levels of fine dust, paying extra attention to cleansing is advisable.

Morning Cleansing

Upon waking up, various impurities from pillows and bedding may remain on the skin. Especially if your skin isn't sensitive, using cleansing foam in the morning is beneficial. However, those with sensitive or inflammatory skin conditions may avoid morning cleansing.


Precautions When Using Cleansing Foam

Gentle Patting

When cleansing with foam, it's important to gently pat the skin. Vigorous rubbing can damage the skin barrier. If the skin barrier is compromised, it becomes more sensitive to external stimuli, leading to various skin issues. Therefore, gentle cleansing is crucial.

Moisturizer Application

After cleansing, it's essential to use a moisturizer to maintain skin moisture. After cleansing, the skin may temporarily become dry, so proper moisturizing is necessary. Choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin type and apply it generously.


Cleansing on Sunscreen Days

Thorough Cleansing Required

On days when you've applied sunscreen, thorough cleansing is especially necessary. Sunscreen contains various chemical ingredients, and inadequate cleansing can clog pores and irritate the skin. Particularly, skin exposed to direct sunlight can become more sensitive, so complete removal of sunscreen is crucial.

Waterproof Sunscreen

For waterproof sunscreen, more thorough cleansing is needed as it doesn't easily wash off with sweat or water. Using the double cleansing method by first melting the sunscreen with an oil cleanser, then cleansing again with foam is effective.


Guide to Choosing Cleansing Foam

Choose According to Skin Type

Choosing cleansing foam suitable for your skin type is essential. Those with oily skin should opt for products that regulate sebum, while dry skin types should choose products rich in moisturizing ingredients. For sensitive skin, use low-irritant products.

Check the Ingredients

When selecting cleansing foam, carefully check the ingredients. Choose products that do not contain allergens or harsh chemical ingredients. Additionally, it's advisable to check for any ingredients that may not suit your skin beforehand.



Using cleansing foam on days when you've been indoors all day is important for maintaining skin health. Removing accumulated sebum, sweat, and fine dust throughout the day is necessary to keep the skin clean. When using cleansing foam, remember to pat gently to protect the skin barrier and apply moisturizer afterward to maintain skin moisture. Don't forget that thorough cleansing is especially crucial on days when you've applied sunscreen. Cultivate a habit of using cleansing foam suitable for your skin type to maintain healthy skin.
