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Dealing with Embarrassing Underarm Sweat: Causes and Solutions for Summer.

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 6. 5.

As summer approaches, many people find themselves worrying about underarm sweat. The heat causes us to sweat more than usual, and the smell of underarm sweat can become a significant source of stress. Let’s delve into why this problem occurs and explore ways to solve it effectively.


Underarm Sweat and Apocrine Glands

The unpleasant smell of underarm sweat is primarily due to the apocrine glands. Our bodies have two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands produce mostly odorless and bacteria-free sweat, composed mainly of water. In contrast, apocrine glands produce sweat that contains fats and proteins. When this sweat breaks down, it creates substances like ammonia, which cause unpleasant odors. Apocrine glands become particularly active during stress or tense situations, leading to increased sweating.


Dealing with Embarrassing Underarm Sweat: Causes and Solutions for Summer.
Underarm sweat is a common problem that extends beyond mere discomfort, leading to psychological stress and health issues.


The Relationship Between Emotions and Sweat

Emotions such as stress and tension can increase underarm sweat production. This is because the cerebral cortex recognizes these emotional states and stimulates the activity of the apocrine glands. Consequently, you may find yourself sweating excessively in stressful situations like important presentations or job interviews. This phenomenon illustrates how emotional states significantly influence physical responses beyond simple temperature regulation.


Ways to Reduce Underarm Odor

To reduce underarm odor, consider various methods, from dietary adjustments to lifestyle changes.

  • Dietary Adjustments: High-fat, high-calorie foods can enhance sweat gland activity and intensify body odor. Reducing the intake of high-fat foods like meat, butter, and cheese can help diminish underarm odor.
  • Maintaining Cleanliness: It’s crucial to wash off sweat promptly. Using antibacterial soap to keep your underarms clean can prevent bacterial growth and reduce odor.
  • Using Deodorants: Applying deodorants or antiperspirant powders after showering can inhibit sweat production and prevent odor. While this is a temporary solution, it is effective.
  • Choosing Appropriate Clothing: Wearing breathable cotton fabrics allows sweat to evaporate more easily, reducing odor. Synthetic fibers can trap sweat, worsening the smell.


Long-Term Solutions: Medical Approaches

For a more permanent solution to underarm sweat problems, medical approaches may be necessary. Here are some effective medical treatments.

  • Microwave Therapy: This procedure uses microwave energy to destroy sweat glands, providing permanent results. It is effective for treating both bromhidrosis (body odor) and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  • Surgical Removal: Directly removing sweat glands through surgery is one of the most definitive methods. However, this can cause compensatory sweating in other areas, so it should be considered carefully.
  • Sympathectomy: This surgery involves cutting the sympathetic nerves to reduce sweat production. While highly effective, potential side effects should be considered.


Managing Emotions and Underarm Sweat

Managing emotions is crucial in addressing underarm sweat issues. Here are some ways to control stress and tension.

  • Regular Exercise: Exercise reduces stress and improves overall health, helping to regulate sweat production.
  • Meditation and Yoga: These practices help relax the mind and alleviate stress, stabilizing emotional states.
  • Adequate Sleep: Getting enough sleep reduces stress and maintains body balance. Lack of sleep can increase stress and promote sweating.


Underarm sweat is a common problem that extends beyond mere discomfort, leading to psychological stress and health issues. To tackle this, consider a range of solutions from lifestyle changes to medical treatments. Managing stress and tension, maintaining cleanliness, and seeking professional medical advice when necessary are essential. By making these efforts, you can enjoy a comfortable and confident life even during the summer months.
