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It's Not Because It's Expensive: Let's Learn the Proper Use of Medifoam.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 11.

Everyday life often brings us minor and major wounds that cause discomfort and raise concerns about scarring. One common method to minimize such scars is using moist dressings. Products like 'Medifoam' and 'DuoDERM' are popular among many, but moist dressings are not suitable for all types of wounds. Misuse can worsen wounds and cause inflammation. Thus, it's crucial to understand how to select and use the appropriate dressing according to the wound type and condition.


It's Not Because It's Expensive: Let's Learn the Proper Use of Medifoam.
Moist dressings are extremely useful for promoting wound healing and minimizing scarring.


Understanding and Necessity of Moist Dressings

Moist dressings maintain the wound area in a moist state, promoting natural healing processes. This environment encourages cell proliferation and migration at the wound site, minimizing scarring and speeding up healing. Despite these advantages, not all wounds can benefit from moist dressings.

When Not to Use Them

Moist dressings should not be used on deep wounds or infected areas. Deep wounds might require sutures, and using a moist dressing on such wounds can hinder the proper healing process. Moreover, applying moist dressings on inflamed wounds can exacerbate the inflammation. Inflamed wounds should first be treated for inflammation, followed by appropriate subsequent care based on their condition.

Types and Uses of Moist Dressings

Moist dressings come in various formulations, each suitable for specific types of wounds. Here are some representative types and their uses.

Polyurethane Foam Dressings

Polyurethane foam dressings are excellent at absorbing exudate and do not adhere to the wound surface. They are ideal for wounds with a lot of exudate or where the surrounding skin is easily damaged. They are also useful when dressings need frequent changing or when antibiotic ointments are required.

Hydrocolloid Dressings

Hydrocolloid dressings are suitable for minor wounds, such as skin troubles or post-mole removal. They have self-adhesive properties and are best used with moderate exudate. However, they should not be used on infected wounds or with other ointments. Caution is needed as they can cause allergic reactions on sensitive skin.

Hydrogel Dressings

Hydrogel dressings are suitable for dry wounds with little exudate, such as non-blistering burns. These dressings keep the wound area moist, promoting natural healing.

Alginate Dressings

Calcium alginate dressings are used for wounds requiring hemostasis or those with significant exudate. They absorb exudate and help with blood clotting.

Polyurethane Film Dressings

Polyurethane film dressings are appropriate for minimal, non-exudative wounds. They protect epithelial cells and prevent external contamination.


Changing Frequency and Management of Moist Dressings

The frequency of changing moist dressings depends on the wound condition, the amount of exudate, and the presence of infection. Generally, the changing interval is about 2-3 days. However, if there is a risk of infection, the interval should be shorter.

Precautions When Changing Dressings


  • Maintaining Wound Cleanliness: It's crucial to keep the wound area clean each time the dressing is changed. Clean and disinfect the wound area before applying a new dressing.
  • Applying the Dressing: Ensure the new dressing fully covers the wound area. Attach it so that it adheres closely to the wound and is well-secured to the surrounding skin.
  • Checking Exudate: When changing the dressing, check the amount and color of the exudate to assess the wound condition. If there is a lot of exudate or a change in color, it may be a sign of infection, and a medical professional's consultation is necessary.



Moist dressings are extremely useful for promoting wound healing and minimizing scarring. However, they are not suitable for all wounds, and appropriate dressings should be selected and used based on the wound type and condition. By understanding and practicing the correct usage and management methods, you can optimize the wound healing process.


When a wound occurs, it's not just about using the product; it's important to carefully observe the wound condition and seek professional advice if necessary. This approach helps prevent unnecessary complications and achieves faster and more effective wound healing.


Familiarize yourself with the various types of moist dressings, their uses, changing intervals, and management methods to maintain healthy skin while managing wounds effectively.
