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Maintaining It with Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Understanding Habits That Cause and Prevent Colon Cancer.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 17.

Colon cancer is increasingly affecting more people in modern society. Particularly in Korea, the incidence of colon cancer is high, and it is rapidly rising among individuals under 50 years old. To prevent colon cancer, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial. In this blog post, we will delve into the worst dietary habits that increase the risk of colon cancer and how to avoid them.


Maintaining It with Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Understanding Habits That Cause and Prevent Colon Cancer.
To prevent colon cancer, it's crucial to maintain healthy dietary and lifestyle habits.


Processed Food Consumption: A Major Cause of Colon Cancer

Commonly found in modern diets, processed foods are identified as a major cause of colon cancer. Foods like hamburgers, fried chicken, instant noodles, and sugary drinks contain high levels of food additives and undergo multiple processing stages, which can be harmful to health.

Nutrient Deficiencies and Excessive Calories

  • Processed foods often lack essential nutrients such as fiber and vitamins, while having high fat and sugar content, leading to excessive calorie intake. These foods can hinder bowel movements, preventing the rapid expulsion of harmful chemicals from the body.

Nitrate and N-Nitroso Compounds

  • Nitrate, added during the processing of processed foods, can convert into N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) in the body, damaging the cells of the intestinal wall and increasing the risk of colon cancer.

Risk Among Younger Generations

  • Younger generations, particularly reliant on fast food and processed meats, are more exposed to the risk of colon cancer.


Sedentary Lifestyle: Risks of Inactivity

With the advancement of digital technology and a shift towards sedentary hobbies, the time spent sitting has increased in modern society. This is another major cause increasing the risk of colon cancer.

Blood Flow and Weight Gain

  • A sedentary lifestyle disrupts proper blood flow and contributes to weight gain, which can lead to various health issues, including colon cancer.

Immune System Impairment

  • A sedentary lifestyle impairs immune system function, making it difficult for the body to detect and destroy cancer cells. Research suggests that for every additional hour of sitting while watching TV, the risk of colon cancer death increases by 6%.


Overeating: Obesity and its Association with Colon Cancer

Maintaining a healthy weight is fundamental for preventing colon cancer. Overeating and subsequent obesity are major factors that increase the risk of colon cancer.

Digestive and Absorption Rate Impairment

Overeating diverts our body's usual efforts towards stomach acid secretion to process the excess food, thereby reducing the digestive and absorption rates of the intestines. Eventually, the increase in leftover substances in the body can lead to inflammation and changes in hormone levels, further increasing the risk of colon cancer.

Inflammation and Cell Division

A rapid increase in inflammation accelerates cell division rates, further increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Healthy Eating Habits for Colon Cancer Prevention

Now, let's explore the dietary habits necessary to prevent colon cancer. Healthy eating habits are crucial not only for preventing colon cancer but also for maintaining overall health.


Consumption of Fiber-Rich Foods

Foods rich in fiber are essential for intestinal health. Consuming whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes improves intestinal environment and promotes regular bowel movements.

Choose Fresh Foods Over Processed Foods

It's important to choose fresh foods over processed ones. Fresh foods are rich in nutrients and beneficial components that contribute to good health.

Maintain Moderate Caloric Intake

Avoid overeating and maintain a moderate calorie intake to ensure a healthy weight. This not only prevents colon cancer but also helps prevent various chronic diseases.

Regular Exercise

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and increase physical activity through regular exercise. Walking, jogging, swimming, and various exercises help maintain good health.

Adequate Fluid Intake

Adequate fluid intake is crucial for intestinal health. Drink water regularly to maintain intestinal moisture and promote smooth bowel movements.

Reduce Alcohol and Smoking

Reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking are crucial steps in reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Regular Health Checkups

Regular health checkups enable early detection and prevention of colon cancer. Particularly for those with a family history of colon cancer, thorough examinations are essential.



To prevent colon cancer, it's crucial to maintain healthy dietary and lifestyle habits. By reducing processed food consumption, maintaining regular exercise, and achieving a healthy weight, the risk of colon cancer can be significantly reduced. Additionally, regular health checkups help detect and prevent colon cancer early. Let's strive for a healthy lifestyle to maintain not only colon health but overall well-being.
