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Don’t Be Misled by Myths: Prevent and Manage Colorectal Cancer with Accurate Information.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 19.

Colorectal cancer is increasingly becoming a significant health issue in modern society. With the plethora of information available, it’s easy for people to encounter misconceptions and inaccuracies about this disease. In this blog post, we aim to clarify common misunderstandings about colorectal cancer and provide accurate information to help with prevention and treatment.


Don’t Be Misled by Myths: Prevent and Manage Colorectal Cancer with Accurate Information.
Colorectal cancer is a disease that many people fear, but with the right information and prevention strategies, it is manageable.


Hemorrhoids and Colorectal Cancer: Avoiding Confusion

First, let’s address the misconception that hemorrhoids increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels around the anus and are not directly related to colorectal cancer. However, constipation is a cause of hemorrhoids, and constipation can also be a symptom of colorectal cancer, leading to confusion.


If someone has colorectal cancer, straining during bowel movements may lead to hemorrhoids. In particular, an anal fistula, which is an infected gland near the anus, can develop into colorectal cancer if left untreated. Therefore, while hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer are distinct conditions, it’s important to understand that common symptoms like constipation can lead to confusion.


Frequent Diarrhea and Colorectal Cancer: Points of Caution

People who have bowel movements more than twice a day may pass loose stools because their stool is expelled before it hardens. In such cases, there’s no need to suspect colorectal cancer. However, if someone has frequent diarrhea for more than a month, it could signal impaired bowel function and warrants considering a colorectal cancer screening.


Persistent diarrhea might be due to a simple intestinal infection, but if it recurs over the long term, it could be a sign of serious conditions, including colorectal cancer. Therefore, consulting a specialist and undergoing appropriate tests is crucial.


Lifestyle Management for Colorectal Cancer Patients: Exercise and Returning to Work

Many patients wonder whether they should maintain their usual lifestyle after a colorectal cancer diagnosis. Having colorectal cancer doesn’t mean you need to rest excessively. In fact, maintaining regular activities and incorporating consistent exercise can help reduce the recurrence rate.


Returning to work after cancer treatment is also important as it helps reduce depression and promotes psychological recovery. However, during the first 2-3 years when the risk of recurrence is high, avoiding excessive work, night shifts, and social gatherings is advisable. This helps minimize physical stress and maintain immunity.


Dietary Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Prevention: Balance is Key

There’s a misconception that eating certain foods in large quantities can prevent colorectal cancer. While fruits are healthy, excessive consumption can lead to obesity, a risk factor for colorectal cancer. It’s best to limit fruit intake to the size of your fist each day and supplement fiber intake with low-sugar vegetables.


Additionally, while calcium is effective in preventing colorectal cancer, overconsumption of processed dairy products like cheese and yogurt should be avoided due to their high salt and sugar content and calorie density. It’s better to obtain calcium from natural foods, and one to two glasses of milk per day can provide sufficient calcium.


Diet for Colorectal Cancer Patients: The Need for Meat and Fish

It is incorrect to recommend a vegetarian diet exclusively for colorectal cancer patients. Maintaining immune function during cancer treatment is crucial, and this requires a balanced diet. Without consuming meat, patients might suffer from deficiencies in animal protein and iron.


Colorectal cancer patients should include foods like beef and red-fleshed fish in their diet to supplement protein and iron, which are essential for normal immune function. Therefore, it’s important for colorectal cancer patients to maintain nutritional balance by including appropriate amounts of meat and fish in their diet.


Conclusion: Prevent and Treat Colorectal Cancer with Accurate Information

Colorectal cancer is a disease that many people fear, but with the right information and prevention strategies, it is manageable. Understanding the differences between hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer, accurately identifying the causes of frequent diarrhea, and maintaining appropriate lifestyle habits are all crucial. In terms of diet, it’s essential to focus on balanced nutrition rather than excessive consumption of specific foods.


Colorectal cancer patients can also maintain their daily routines and promote psychological and physical recovery through proper exercise and returning to work. Lastly, a balanced diet that includes meat and fish is vital for maintaining immunity. Let’s use accurate information to prevent colorectal cancer and help patients lead healthy lives.
