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Seasonal Summer Fruit: The Benefits and Consumption Methods of Peaches.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 26.

As summer arrives, we can easily find crisp and sweet peaches in markets. This fruit boasts various types and flavors, with countless health benefits. However, there are also precautions to take when enjoying peaches. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits, selection and storage methods, and consumption precautions of peaches in detail.


Seasonal Summer Fruit: The Benefits and Consumption Methods of Peaches.
Peaches, a representative summer fruit, are loved by many for their various benefits and flavors.


Major Benefits of Peaches

Anti-Aging Properties

Peaches are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Beta-carotene inhibits the action of free radicals, preventing cell damage and aging. It is also effective in repairing skin damaged by strong summer sunlight.

Enhanced Lung Function

Peaches help strengthen lung function. For smokers in particular, peaches promote the excretion of cotinine, a nicotine metabolite, through urine, which benefits lung health. Additionally, the hydrocyanic acid in peaches soothes the respiratory center, helping to relieve coughs and reduce phlegm.

Psychological Stability and Fatigue Relief

Peaches are rich in vitamins that help alleviate fatigue. Asparagine, glutamine, and citric acid in peaches are effective in reducing stress, while the vitamins play a crucial role in eliminating physical fatigue. This is also why peaches provide a sense of psychological stability.


Precautions When Eating Peaches: The Danger of the Seeds

The most important thing to be cautious of when eating peaches is removing the seeds. Peach seeds contain a toxic substance called amygdalin. Amygdalin can convert into hydrocyanic acid in the body, which is very dangerous. This substance is most abundant in unripe peaches and can still be present in small amounts even when fully ripe.


The Food and Drug Administration classifies peach seeds as inedible. Consuming peach seeds raw can lead to cyanosis, respiratory difficulties, and even death. Therefore, it is essential to remove the seeds before consuming peaches.


Selection and Storage Methods for Peaches

Choosing Peaches

  • Appearance: Choose peaches without wounds and with evenly distributed fine hairs. Peaches with many freckles are likely to be sweeter.
  • Aroma: Peaches should emit a sweet fragrance from the stem, and the stem area should not be split.

Storing Peaches

  • Room Temperature Storage: It is better to store peaches at room temperature rather than in the refrigerator, as low temperatures can reduce their sweetness. However, room temperature storage may attract insects and cause the fruit to ripen quickly.
  • Refrigerated Storage: To compensate for the downsides of room temperature storage, refrigerate peaches. Wrap them in newspaper and store them in a zipper bag to maintain freshness. Peaches stored in the refrigerator should be taken out about an hour before eating to enhance their sweetness.


Various Ways to Enjoy Peaches

Peaches are delicious on their own, but they can also be used in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas to enjoy peaches more.

  • Peach Salad: Slice fresh peaches thinly and add them to salads. The sweetness and freshness of peaches enhance the flavor of the salad.
  • Peach Smoothie: Blend peaches, yogurt, and a bit of honey to make a healthy smoothie. This smoothie is also great as a breakfast substitute.
  • Peach Dessert: Slice peaches and grill them, then enjoy with vanilla ice cream for a unique dessert experience.
  • Peach Jam: Simmer peaches with sugar to make jam. It’s delicious on bread or with yogurt.


Maximizing the Health Benefits of Peaches

To fully enjoy the health benefits of peaches, keep the following tips in mind.

  • Diverse Consumption: Peaches can be consumed in various ways. Besides eating them fresh, use them in cooking, desserts, and beverages to get a balanced intake of nutrients.
  • Balanced Diet: It is essential to consume a balanced diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables, including peaches. Eating a diverse range of fruits ensures a well-rounded nutrient intake.
  • Moderate Consumption: Overconsumption of fruits can lead to excessive calorie intake. Maintain a balanced diet by consuming peaches in appropriate amounts.



Peaches, a representative summer fruit, are loved by many for their various benefits and flavors. The health benefits of peaches, such as anti-aging, lung function enhancement, and fatigue relief, are remarkable. However, to avoid the dangers of the toxic substances in the seeds, always remove the seeds before eating. Knowing how to select and store peaches can help maintain their taste and freshness for a longer time. Enjoy peaches more healthily and joyfully by trying out various consumption methods.


This summer, enjoy peaches healthily and have a bountiful summer.
