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It's Not Just About Misuse, Let's Learn About the Causes, Prevention, and Management of Prostate Cancer.

by OK2BU 2024. 8. 4.

Prostate cancer has become a significant health issue for many men. In this blog post, we will delve deeply into the key facts about prostate cancer and explore in detail how to prevent and manage it.


Differences Between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

Many people often confuse benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with prostate cancer. However, these two conditions have entirely different pathological characteristics. BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that typically occurs with aging. In contrast, prostate cancer is a disease where prostate cells undergo malignant transformation.


It is important to note that BPH is not a precursor to prostate cancer. Having BPH does not significantly increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. However, both conditions can present with similar urinary symptoms, necessitating a differential diagnosis through a PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) test. If PSA levels are elevated, a biopsy is required for an accurate diagnosis.


It's Not Just About Misuse, Let's Learn About the Causes, Prevention, and Management of Prostate Cancer.
Prostate cancer is a condition that can be effectively treated if detected early.


Genetic Factors and Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is closely related to genetic factors. Studies show that approximately 10% of prostate cancer patients have a hereditary predisposition. If a direct relative has prostate cancer, the risk of developing it is 2 to 3 times higher. For those with a family history, it is recommended to undergo regular PSA testing starting at age 45. This is crucial for detecting prostate cancer in its asymptomatic early stages, which allows for timely treatment.


Relationship Between Sexual Activity and Prostate Cancer

There are many misconceptions about the relationship between sexual activity and prostate cancer. It was once believed that excessive sexual activity could lead to prostate cancer. However, recent studies indicate that the main causes of prostate cancer are genetic factors, family history, diet, and age. Sexual activity is not a direct cause of prostate cancer. In fact, regular and healthy sexual activity can have a positive impact on prostate health by aiding in the smooth expulsion of prostatic fluid.


Diet and Prostate Cancer

Diet plays a significant role in the development of prostate cancer. A Western diet, particularly one high in animal fats, can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Animal fats can raise male hormone levels in the blood, promoting the growth of prostate cancer cells. Therefore, to prevent prostate cancer, it is advisable to reduce the intake of animal fats and consume appropriate amounts of plant-based fats, such as those from nuts and legumes.


Age Range for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer mainly occurs in men over the age of 40 and is very rare in those under 40. However, in cases with a family history or other risk factors, prostate cancer can develop in younger men. The proportion of prostate cancer patients under 40 is less than 0.5%, with incidence rates increasing significantly with age.


Early Detection and Prediction of Prostate Cancer

Early detection of prostate cancer is crucial. The PSA test is one of the primary methods for early detection. However, PSA levels can be elevated due to BPH, prostate inflammation, lower urinary tract obstruction, or trauma. Therefore, if PSA levels are high, a prostate biopsy is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Prostate cancer detected early is relatively easy to treat and has a high likelihood of being cured.


Strategies for Prostate Cancer Prevention and Management

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for preventing prostate cancer. Here are some strategies that can help in prevention.

Regular Health Check-ups

For those with a family history, it is important to have regular health check-ups, including PSA testing, starting at age 45. Regular check-ups can help detect prostate cancer early and allow for appropriate treatment.

Healthy Diet

Reducing the intake of animal fats and maintaining a balanced diet that includes plant-based fats is crucial. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in antioxidants, can help prevent prostate cancer.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is beneficial for overall health and can help prevent prostate cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight is important as obesity can increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Smoking Cessation and Moderation in Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and excessive drinking can also increase the risk of prostate cancer. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol consumption can lower the risk of various diseases, including prostate cancer.

Stress Management

Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of cancer. Managing stress through activities like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can be beneficial.



Prostate cancer is a condition that can be effectively treated if detected early. Regular health check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are vital. It is important to clearly understand the differences between BPH and prostate cancer and recognize the significance of genetic factors and lifestyle in prevention. By adhering to the correct information and prevention strategies, you can maintain a healthy life.