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Summer Scalp Care for Those Dealing with Hair Loss: Understanding Summer Scalp Health Management.

by OK2BU 2024. 8. 19.

Summer is a season characterized by high temperatures, humidity, and intense ultraviolet rays, all of which can easily damage the scalp. These environmental factors raise scalp temperature and increase sebum production, adversely affecting scalp health. Since compromised scalp health can lead to hair loss, special care is essential during the summer months. This post explores various methods to protect summer scalp health and prevent hair loss.


Summer Scalp Care for Those Dealing with Hair Loss: Understanding Summer Scalp Health Management.
Summer presents many challenges to scalp and hair health, including high temperatures, humidity, and intense UV rays.


Relationship Between Summer Scalp and Hair Loss

Role of the Scalp

The scalp plays a crucial role in supporting and protecting hair. Additionally, it regulates body temperature and shields the scalp from external elements through sebaceous and sweat glands. However, during summer, environmental changes can impair these functions.

Risk Factors for Summer Scalp Health

High Temperature and Humidity: Elevated summer temperatures and humidity raise scalp temperature and increase sebum production. Excessive sebum can clog pores, leading to inflammation and becoming a cause of hair loss. Ultraviolet Radiation: Strong UV rays damage scalp skin cells and hinder hair growth. UV rays break down the proteins that constitute hair, weakening it and causing it to fall out easily.


Methods to Maintain Summer Scalp Health

Sun Protection

Protecting the scalp from UV rays is crucial for summer scalp health management.

  • Use of Hats and Umbrellas: Use hats or umbrellas outdoors to shield the scalp from UV rays. Choose hats made from breathable materials and adjust them to avoid tightness on the head. Indoors, removing hats helps to ventilate the scalp.
  • Use of Sunscreen: Use sunscreen suitable for the scalp to protect it from UV rays. Spray sunscreen is convenient for easy application on hair.

Proper Shampooing Habits

Good shampooing habits are vital for maintaining scalp health and preventing hair loss.

  • Brushing Before Washing: Brush hair before washing to remove dirt and debris, enhancing the effectiveness of shampoo and aiding nutrient absorption in the scalp.
  • Use of Lukewarm Water: Use lukewarm water instead of hot water when washing hair. Hot water can irritate the scalp and increase sebum production.
  • Scalp Massage: Massage the scalp gently with fingertips while shampooing to promote blood circulation and strengthen hair roots.
  • Drying Hair: After washing hair, ensure the scalp and hair are completely dry. A moist scalp provides a breeding ground for bacteria. When using a hairdryer, opt for cool or lukewarm air to dry hair.

Maintaining Suitable Indoor Environment

The indoor environment during summer also impacts scalp health.

  • Temperature Regulation: Maintain indoor temperatures between 25-28 degrees Celsius when using air conditioning to prevent scalp from drying out. Avoid significant temperature differences between indoors and outdoors to prevent scalp sensitivity.
  • Ventilation: Regularly open windows to ventilate indoor air, keeping it fresh and reducing accumulation of pollutants that can affect the scalp.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Healthy lifestyle habits are essential for preserving scalp health.

  • Balanced Diet: Maintain a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins to prevent hair loss. Iron and zinc are particularly important for hair growth.
  • Adequate Hydration: Ensure sufficient water intake to maintain internal hydration balance, especially important during summer to counteract dehydration effects on the scalp and hair.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercise improves blood circulation and helps reduce stress, supporting scalp health by enhancing blood supply to the scalp.
  • Stress Management: Stress is a major contributor to hair loss. Managing stress through meditation, yoga, or hobbies is crucial for maintaining psychological well-being and scalp health.


Additional Tips for Hair Loss Prevention

Change Parting Style

Changing the parting style can help if specific areas of hair are thinning or weak. This prevents constant exposure of particular scalp areas to UV rays, thus promoting scalp health.

Precautions When Using Hats

  • Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly wash hats to keep them clean. Ensure hats are completely dry before wearing them again.
  • Consider Ventilation: Choose hats with good ventilation. Indoors, frequently removing hats aids scalp ventilation.

Use of Nutritional Supplements

Supplements can support scalp and hair health when necessary. Biotin, zinc, and vitamin E are beneficial nutrients for hair growth and scalp health. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable before supplementing to determine appropriate dosage.


Importance of Summer Hair Loss Management

Everyday Hair Loss Management Tips

  • Proper Scalp Cleansing: Cleanse the scalp thoroughly once a day to remove sebum and impurities.
  • Parallel Skin Care: Like skin, the scalp requires regular care. Use products specifically designed for the scalp to improve its condition.
  • Prompt Action: If hair loss is suspected, seek professional advice for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Extreme Dieting and Hair Loss

Extreme summer diets that lack adequate nutrients can lead to hair loss. Balanced eating habits and regular exercise are crucial for managing weight healthily and supporting hair health.



Summer presents many challenges to scalp and hair health, including high temperatures, humidity, and intense UV rays. However, by adopting proper scalp care methods and healthy lifestyle habits, it's possible to maintain scalp and hair health even during summer. Sun protection, good shampooing habits, indoor environment management, and healthy living habits help prevent hair loss and preserve healthy scalp and hair. Maintain confidence in your appearance by managing summer scalp health effectively.
