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Understanding and Combating Summer Hair Loss: Protecting Your Precious Hair and Scalp.

by OK2BU 2024. 8. 21.

As summer arrives, many people indulge in outdoor activities, paying extra attention to skin and scalp care. A common concern during this season is the noticeable increase in hair loss. This isn’t just a perception—summer conditions indeed impact scalp and hair health. The combination of strong UV rays, increased sweat, and sebum production can exacerbate hair loss. In this post, we will delve into the causes of summer hair loss and explore methods to protect your scalp and maintain healthy hair.


Understanding and Combating Summer Hair Loss: Protecting Your Precious Hair and Scalp.
Summer hair loss can result from strong UV rays, increased sweat, and sebum production.


Major Causes of Summer Hair Loss: UV Rays and Increased Sebum Production

The Impact of UV Rays

Strong UV rays in the summer affect not only the skin but also the scalp and hair. UV rays can damage keratin, the primary component of hair, weakening it and making it more prone to breakage. As a result, you may experience more hair shedding than usual. Additionally, UV rays can irritate the scalp, leading to inflammation, which can weaken hair roots and accelerate hair loss.


Continuous exposure of the scalp to UV rays can damage the skin barrier, reducing its protective capabilities and making inflammation more likely. Scalp inflammation damages the tissues around hair follicles, potentially leading to hair loss. This is why more men are now using parasols during the summer—to shield themselves from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Increased Sebum Production and Scalp Inflammation

The hot weather of summer increases sweat and sebum production, negatively impacting scalp health. Excess sebum and sweat can clog pores, hindering the scalp's natural breathing process. This can trigger inflammatory responses, weakening hair roots and leading to hair loss.


The salt content in sweat can also disrupt the scalp's pH balance, further deteriorating scalp conditions. Therefore, keeping the scalp clean during summer is crucial. Additionally, if you frequently wear hats, it’s essential to wash them regularly, as sweat and debris can accumulate in the fabric and contaminate the scalp.


Seborrheic Scalp and Treatment Methods

Understanding Seborrheic Scalp

A seborrheic scalp refers to a condition where excessive sebum production and increased dandruff lead to scalp inflammation, which can ultimately cause hair loss. Symptoms of a seborrheic scalp can worsen during summer, causing the scalp to become red and itchy.

Treating Seborrheic Scalp

Managing a seborrheic scalp typically involves using functional shampoos or medicated shampoos. Functional shampoos help regulate sebum production, maintaining scalp health. However, if inflammation is already present, medicated shampoos are more effective.


Medicated shampoos inhibit the growth of Malassezia yeast, the primary culprit behind seborrheic dermatitis, reducing inflammation and dandruff. Malassezia thrives when sebum production is high, exacerbating symptoms. Medicated shampoos can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies, but if symptoms are severe, visiting a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan is advisable.


Essential Nutrients and Supplements for Scalp and Hair Health

The Role of Biotin and Zinc

Biotin and zinc are crucial nutrients for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. Biotin promotes the production of keratin, strengthening hair and helping regulate sebum production in the scalp. A lack of biotin can lead to weak, brittle hair, so ensuring adequate biotin intake is essential.


Zinc plays a role in DNA synthesis in hair cells and helps control sebum production, reducing inflammation. A zinc deficiency can lead to excessive sebum production, worsening scalp inflammation, so it’s important to consume sufficient zinc.

Stress Management and Pantothenic Acid

Stress can disrupt hormonal balance and impair blood circulation, worsening hair loss. High temperatures, humidity, and UV exposure during summer can increase stress levels. Pantothenic acid is a nutrient that aids in stress relief by supporting the production of coenzyme A, which helps manage stress-related hair loss.

The Importance of Collagen

Collagen is another vital nutrient that helps maintain the strength and elasticity of hair. Collagen strengthens hair structure, preventing it from breaking easily. As hair becomes weaker and more prone to breakage with age, collagen supplementation can significantly improve hair health.


Lifestyle Habits to Prevent Summer Hair Loss

Sun Protection

The most important step in preventing summer hair loss is protecting your scalp and hair from UV rays. Using a breathable hat or a parasol is recommended. After spending time outdoors, thoroughly wash your scalp to remove accumulated sweat and debris caused by UV exposure.

Maintaining Scalp Cleanliness

Keeping the scalp clean during summer is crucial. When shampooing, gently massage the scalp to effectively remove sebum and sweat, and ensure the scalp is completely dry after washing. A damp scalp can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to inflammation and hair loss.

Maintaining the Cleanliness of Hats and Pillows

In summer, it’s important to keep items that come into direct contact with your scalp, like hats and pillows, clean. Using hats or pillows stained with sweat and sebum can lead to scalp contamination and inflammation, so frequent washing is necessary to maintain cleanliness.


Comprehensive Summer Hair Loss Prevention Strategies

Preventing summer hair loss requires more than just managing external factors; comprehensive scalp and hair care is essential. By combining UV protection, scalp cleanliness, stress management, and proper nutrition, you can maintain healthy scalp and hair. Additionally, personalized care tailored to your specific scalp condition and lifestyle is necessary.

Personalized Scalp Care

It’s important to choose the right shampoo and treatment based on your scalp condition. For instance, if you have seborrheic dermatitis, use medicated shampoos, and for dry scalp, opt for moisturizing shampoos. If your scalp is sensitive due to excessive heat and sweat, using a mild shampoo can be beneficial.

Healthy Diet and Hydration

A healthy diet is crucial for preventing hair loss. Ensure you get enough biotin, zinc, collagen, and other nutrients essential for hair health, and maintain a balanced diet. Adequate hydration is also vital for preventing hair loss, as dehydration can dry out the scalp and worsen hair loss.



Summer hair loss can result from strong UV rays, increased sweat, and sebum production. To prevent this, comprehensive care involving UV protection, scalp cleanliness, stress management, and proper nutrition is necessary. By maintaining personalized scalp care and healthy lifestyle habits, you can keep your hair healthy even during the summer months.
