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It May Not Be Due to a Lack of Effort: If Your Weight Isn’t Dropping Despite a Consistent Diet, Consider This.

by OK2BU 2024. 10. 4.

Even if you diligently maintain your diet and exercise routines with the goal of losing weight, you may not always see the desired results. It’s not always fair to blame just your lifestyle. The human body is a complex system, and various medical conditions can impact metabolism and fat accumulation. These conditions not only hinder weight loss but can also lead to swelling and increased fat storage, making it even harder to lose weight. In this post, we will explore the major conditions that can be suspected when weight doesn't drop or even increases despite dieting, along with detailed expert-level strategies for managing these issues.


It May Not Be Due to a Lack of Effort: If Your Weight Isn’t Dropping Despite a Consistent Diet, Consider This.
If weight loss is slow or weight increases, it may not be just due to lifestyle habits.


Hypothyroidism: The Culprit Behind a Slower Metabolism

The thyroid plays a critical role in regulating the body's metabolism by secreting hormones. When the thyroid underproduces hormones, a condition known as hypothyroidism, it slows the metabolism, significantly lowering the basal metabolic rate and making it easy to gain weight. In many cases, this weight gain manifests as swelling. Excessive accumulation of water and salt in the body can lead to weight gain of 2 to 5 kg (4.4 to 11 pounds) due to this swelling.


In addition to weight gain, hypothyroidism is often accompanied by a loss of appetite. If left untreated, it can cause various symptoms, including fatigue, decreased concentration, dry skin, hair loss, and cold extremities, which can severely disrupt daily life. In this case, it is essential to undergo treatment to restore hormone levels to the normal range. With consistent treatment to correct the hormone imbalance, the weight will gradually return to normal levels.


Cushing's Syndrome: The Link to Steroids

Cushing’s syndrome occurs when the adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol over a prolonged period. Cortisol is crucial for regulating the body’s stress response, but when it is overproduced, it can lead to abnormal fat distribution and weight gain. This often results in central obesity, where fat is mainly concentrated in the abdomen, face, and the back of the neck, while the limbs remain relatively thin. The face may also become rounded and swollen.


Another major cause of Cushing’s syndrome is prolonged steroid use. Steroids are commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions like arthritis, dermatitis, and rhinitis, but long-term use can lead to Cushing’s syndrome. If the syndrome is steroid-induced, it is essential to follow medical advice to gradually reduce the steroid dose, as abrupt discontinuation can cause adrenal insufficiency.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Metabolic Disorder in Women

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition in women of reproductive age, characterized by the overproduction of androgens, male hormones, in the ovaries. This disrupts the normal ovulation process and increases insulin resistance, making it difficult for the body to regulate blood sugar. As a result, fat is more easily stored, leading to weight gain. Women with PCOS often experience irregular or absent menstrual cycles, along with symptoms like acne and hair loss.


If left untreated, PCOS can lead to issues beyond weight management, such as infertility, making proper treatment essential. A combination of hormone therapy and lifestyle changes is necessary, and while diet and exercise are important, excessive efforts should be avoided.


The Link Between Weight Gain and Medical Conditions: Accurate Diagnosis Is Key

When weight gain is caused by an underlying medical condition, simple dieting alone will not be effective. In such cases, the root cause must be treated first to achieve weight loss. Failure to do so may not only make weight loss impossible but could also lead to serious complications, including an increased risk of cardiovascular and chronic diseases.


It is essential to monitor abnormal symptoms that accompany weight changes and to undergo regular health checkups. If a medical condition is suspected to be contributing to weight gain, obtaining an accurate diagnosis and starting appropriate treatment is crucial.


The Right Approach to Weight Loss: Prioritize Health

Attempting extreme dieting while dealing with a condition that causes weight gain can actually harm your health. In particular, patients who have been on long-term steroid treatments should follow medical advice when attempting to lose weight. This also applies to other medical conditions. Different conditions require different management approaches, so personalized care is essential.


Combining lifestyle improvements with medical treatment is the ideal way to achieve weight loss. Avoid extreme dietary restrictions or intense exercise, and aim to gradually lose weight as your body recovers.


Disease-Specific Management: Following Guidelines Is Critical

When weight gain is related to a medical condition, it is important to be aware of disease-specific management strategies. For example, individuals with hypothyroidism should avoid foods high in iodine, and those with Cushing’s syndrome must carefully manage steroid use. For women with PCOS, managing diet and exercise to improve insulin resistance is crucial.


As the underlying condition improves through appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes, the likelihood of returning to a normal weight increases. However, if left untreated, not only will weight loss be difficult, but the overall health could also deteriorate, so continued medical guidance is essential.


Conclusion: Monitoring Weight Changes and Consistent Management

If weight loss is slow or weight increases, it may not be just due to lifestyle habits. Various medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and PCOS, can contribute to weight gain, making it important to seek accurate diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, adopting the correct management strategies tailored to each condition can help achieve healthy weight loss. Above all, prioritizing health and choosing methods that don’t strain the body is the most desirable approach.
