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Blisters Inside the Mouth: Types and How to Deal with Them.

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 14.

Blisters inside the mouth often occur due to excessive activity or stress. These blisters mainly appear on the gums, tongue, and lips, a condition known as stomatitis. Let's take a look at the representative types of stomatitis: Aphthous stomatitis, Herpetic stomatitis, and Candidal stomatitis.


Blisters Inside the Mouth: Types and How to Deal with Them.
Blisters inside the mouth may be easily overlooked, but with proper management and care, they can heal quickly.


Aphthous Stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis is a condition characterized by small, round, white ulcers that appear repeatedly in the mucous membrane of the mouth, primarily occurring when the immune system is weakened. This condition is common, affecting 10-20% of the population, and typically heals naturally within 10-14 days. When aphthous stomatitis occurs, it's advisable to avoid spicy or hot foods as they can irritate the ulcers. Supplementing the immune system with nutrients like Vitamin B12 or iron can help alleviate inflammation more quickly.


Herpetic Stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is a condition where small blisters develop on or around the lips, caused by infection with the herpes virus. Once infected, the virus does not completely disappear, making it possible for it to recur whenever the immune system is weakened. When the virus becomes activated due to a weakened immune system, inflammation occurs, and most often, it heals naturally within 1-2 weeks. Adequate rest and nutrition intake are necessary when the immune function is compromised.


Candidal Stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis is caused by the fungus Candida albicans and typically occurs when the immune system is weakened due to factors such as colds, aging, or prolonged use of antibiotics. This fungus exists in the oral cavity and proliferates when the balance is disrupted, leading to stomatitis. When candidal stomatitis occurs, small white spots with a cottage cheese-like appearance may appear on the tongue or inside the cheeks. In this case, using a topical antifungal solution to remove the spots is recommended. If the immune system is weak, it can spread to other organs, so seeking proper diagnosis and treatment from a hospital is crucial.


Blisters inside the mouth may be easily overlooked, but with proper management and care, they can heal quickly. If you experience persistent symptoms or pain, it is advisable to seek assistance from a medical professional.