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Why People Don't Change and the Reasons Humans Remain Unchanged.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 12.

The process of human change involves a complex interplay of various factors. While the assertion that "people never change" may be true in some aspects, hidden within it lies the potential for transformation. This post aims to explore why it's challenging for individuals to change and how change is still possible from various perspectives.


Why People Don't Change and the Reasons Humans Remain Unchanged.
The assertion that people never change may oversimplify the complexity of human nature.


Rationalization and Influence of Habits

Rationalization refers to the tendency to justify and perceive one's actions as reasonable. This tendency manifests when, for example, someone vows not to drink but finds themselves doing so again. It stems from the inherent human nature to seek immediate satisfaction, often opting for convenient choices while delaying goals. However, these habits can be overcome through self-control.


Social Influence and Motivation

The social environment significantly impacts change. In modern society, there is a trend where effort and sacrifice seem to be losing their relative value. Without sufficient motivation, the desire for change diminishes. Setting personal goals and achieving them can enhance motivation and provide a sense of accomplishment.


Unconscious Influence

Unconscious thoughts and actions form from early childhood. The brain undergoes conflicts unbeknownst to us, making change difficult. However, consciously dealing with the unconscious through cognitive mediation can aid in changing habits.


Personality Changes

Personality is shaped by temperament and experiences, and inherent traits are relatively resistant to change. However, learned behavioral patterns can be modified through effort and self-control. Some aspects of personality can change with persistent effort towards goals.


Initiating and Sustaining Change

Change begins with awareness. Recognizing and addressing one's negative habits through cognitive mediation is crucial. To sustain change, understanding the importance of motivation and routines is essential. Achieving small goals and deriving a sense of accomplishment from the process serve as driving forces for change.


The Significance of Routine

Daily routines not only contribute to physical and mental well-being but also aid in changing habits. Well-managed routines allow individuals to enjoy small accomplishments, providing self-motivation. Although changing habits takes time, consistent effort is key.


Failure and Self-Esteem

Failure is inevitable in the process of change. However, embracing failure and persisting with a positive outlook is crucial. Abandoning perfectionism and maintaining self-esteem can effectively guide individuals along the path of change.


The assertion that people never change may oversimplify the complexity of human nature. Since human personality is shaped by diverse influences, change is always a possibility. Understanding oneself and making efforts towards change can lead to personal growth and a better version of oneself.
