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Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate for Successful Dieting.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 12.

One of the common challenges faced by many individuals attempting to diet is the concern of increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR represents the amount of energy our bodies consume at a stable state, and a higher BMR results in less weight gain and more significant exercise effects. Let's explore three effective methods to achieve this.


Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate for Successful Dieting.
To successfully navigate a diet, increasing basal metabolic rate plays a vital role.


Build Muscles Through Strength Training

To enhance BMR, increasing muscle mass is crucial. The more muscle mass within the body, the more calories are burned even during the same exercise, effectively promoting fat burning. Muscles burn approximately 7-150 kcal per pound, and focusing on strengthening thigh muscles is particularly important. Exercises like squats, cycling, and stair climbing can train thigh muscles, increasing energy expenditure. Additionally, thigh muscle training positively influences metabolic activity by improving blood sugar levels.


Adequate Protein Intake

Effective muscle building requires adequate protein intake as proteins are essential for muscle formation. Foods rich in protein, such as meat, fish, legumes, and eggs, facilitate sufficient protein consumption. Studies show that individuals meeting 20% of their daily protein intake have less muscle loss and experience significant weight loss effects. However, it's essential to be cautious not to exceed 30g of protein per meal to avoid storing excess as fat.


Regular Meal and Sleep Habits

Establishing regular lifestyle habits is essential to enhance BMR. Consuming three well-balanced meals at consistent times each day is crucial. Skipping meals or irregular eating patterns signal the body to store more nutrients, utilizing fat instead of muscle for energy and leading to decreased muscle mass and BMR. Additionally, ensuring 6-8 hours of sleep per night is crucial. The period between midnight and 2 am is optimal for growth hormone secretion, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.


To successfully navigate a diet, increasing basal metabolic rate plays a vital role. Building muscle through strength training, ensuring adequate protein intake, and maintaining regular meal and sleep habits contribute to achieving this. These regulated lifestyle choices will contribute to a healthier diet overall.
