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The Lurking Danger and Infectiousness of Syphilis Threatening Lives – Are Condoms Ineffective?

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 15.

Recently, the number of syphilis patients in Japan has set a record for the third consecutive year, causing concerns even among South Korean health authorities. According to the latest statistics, as of the 19th of this month, the reported cases of syphilis in Japan have increased by 1,900 compared to the previous year, reaching a total of 13,251 cases. This trend indicates a global surge in syphilis cases.


The Lurking Danger and Infectiousness of Syphilis Threatening Lives – Are Condoms Ineffective?
In conclusion, syphilis is a preventable yet critical issue that requires understanding of transmission routes, complications, and more.


Transmission Routes and Prevention of Syphilis

Syphilis is classified as a sexually transmitted infection, primarily transmitted through sexual contact. Most infections occur through direct skin-to-skin contact, with direct skin contact between sexual partners being a major transmission route. Condoms, commonly known as a preventive measure for sexually transmitted infections, do not provide complete protection against syphilis. Areas of the skin not covered by condoms during sexual activity may be exposed to the syphilis bacterium, leading to infection.


Complications of Syphilis and Risks of Severe Cases

Syphilis is a serious disease that can induce severe complications if left untreated. If not treated, the bacterium can infiltrate tissues and organs throughout the body, resulting in complications such as tertiary syphilis, cardiovascular syphilis, and neurosyphilis.


Tertiary Syphilis: Typically appears 3 to 10 years after infection, causing necrosis in surrounding tissues and leaving scars.


Cardiovascular Syphilis: Occurs 10 to 25 years after infection, affecting blood vessels connected to the heart and leading to conditions such as aneurysms, chest pain, heart failure, and even death.


Neurosyphilis: Mainly occurs 3 to 12 years after infection, causing inflammation in the arteries of the brain or spinal cord, leading to chronic meningitis.


Global Increase in Syphilis Patients

The global number of syphilis patients continues to rise. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 7 million new cases of syphilis were reported worldwide in 2020. In the United States, the number increased by 6.8% from the previous year, reaching 1,339,945 cases in 2020. In Europe, there was a 3.3% increase compared to 2019.


Countries in Asia, including Taiwan, China, and Japan, are also witnessing an upward trend in syphilis cases. Notably, Japan experienced a 60% increase from 7,983 cases in 2021 to 12,966 cases in 2022.


Response and Strengthened Surveillance in South Korea

South Korea is enhancing syphilis surveillance from next year, considering the high risk of infection, severe complications, and the potential for prolonged transmission. While currently under sample surveillance, it will transition to comprehensive surveillance from January 1, 2024.


In conclusion, syphilis is a preventable yet critical issue that requires understanding of transmission routes, complications, and more. To ensure safe sexual practices, it is crucial to avoid sexual contact with anonymous or multiple partners and refrain from engaging in sexual activity through prostitution. Seeking immediate medical attention for testing and treatment upon suspicion of a sexually transmitted infection is vital. Additionally, efforts to increase awareness through sex education about various sexually transmitted infections are necessary for better prevention.
