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Overcoming Motion Sickness: Causes and Tips.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 20.

Have you ever experienced motion sickness while riding in a car? What solutions are available for those who suffer from nausea during car rides? Motion sickness occurs when our body's sense of balance is disrupted, particularly when the sensory signals to the brain conflict at the back of the head. How can we prevent and effectively alleviate this discomfort?


Overcoming Motion Sickness: Causes and Tips.
Motion sickness tends to be more common in individuals with sensitive vestibular systems.


Understanding the Causes and Balance Sensation of Motion Sickness

Firstly, it's crucial to understand the causes of motion sickness. Our body's sense of balance heavily relies on vision, vestibular sensation, and proprioception. Eyes send signals through the optic nerve to the cerebellum, while the soles of our feet regulate balance through sensory feedback. The ear, especially the vestibular system, plays a vital role in maintaining equilibrium. The semicircular canals and the vestibule detect body movement using lymph fluid, sending signals to the brain to sustain balance. Motion sickness occurs when these three sensory inputs confuse the brain.


Principle of Motion Sickness in Vehicles

When riding in a car or a boat, the constant movement causes the lymph fluid in the vestibular system of the ear to rapidly move, continually signaling the brain. However, visual and proprioceptive sensations are less sensitive than the signals from the ear. When conflicting signals reach the brain, motion sickness occurs. In other words, the brain overly processes signals from the ear, leading to confusion and triggering symptoms such as nausea and abdominal discomfort through the sympathetic nervous system.


Preventive Measures for Motion Sickness

Importance of Seat Selection: When taking a car or bus, choose a front seat with minimal movement. When on a boat, opt for a middle seat to help reduce motion-induced discomfort.


Adjusting Line of Sight: Sitting by the window and focusing your gaze outside can be helpful. Observing the external environment allows for quick adjustment of balance through visual stimulation.


Closing Your Eyes: Closing your eyes can effectively prevent motion sickness. By blocking visual stimuli, confusing signals to the brain can be minimized.


Motion Sickness Medication: Motion sickness medications can suppress the sympathetic nervous system, alleviating symptoms. However, it's crucial to consult with a doctor before using them.


Motion sickness tends to be more common in individuals with sensitive vestibular systems. Those sensitive to stimuli such as migraines or 3D movies should take extra precautions. By following these preventive measures, you can minimize the likelihood of motion sickness during car rides and enjoy a comfortable journey.
