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Having Trouble Cleaning Your Microwave? Learn Easy Hygiene Management Methods.

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 11.

When using a microwave, residues and lingering odors can sometimes become bothersome. In this post, we'll explore effective ways to keep your microwave clean and eliminate unpleasant odors.


Easy Cleaning with Baking Soda

Stubborn residues inside the microwave can be easily removed using baking soda. Mix about 500mL of water and a tablespoon of baking soda in a microwave-safe bowl. Place the bowl in the microwave and run it for approximately 4 minutes. As the heat transfers, baking soda reacts with water, effectively removing internal residues. The sodium bicarbonate in baking soda helps thoroughly clean surfaces. Ensure the bowl used is wide and shallow, and wait about 30 seconds after heating before wiping.


Having Trouble Cleaning Your Microwave? Learn Easy Hygiene Management Methods.
Maintaining a clean interior and eliminating odors in your microwave is crucial for a healthy and pleasant kitchen environment.


Sterilize and Deodorize with Vinegar

To disinfect and deodorize the microwave if bacteria are a concern, you can use vinegar. Vinegar, an organic acid found abundantly in fruits like plums or lemons, is a component commonly used in cleaning products and fabric softeners. Add water and vinegar to a microwave-safe bowl, then microwave it for about 4 minutes. Afterward, wipe the surfaces thoroughly to effectively eliminate bacteria and odors.


Remove Odors with Leftover Soju (Korean distilled liquor)

If lingering food smells persist in your microwave, you can use leftover soju to remove odors. The alcohol in soju evaporates along with odor-causing particles. Dampen a sponge with soju and wipe the interior, or use a spray bottle to mist soju inside the microwave for a quick and simple odor removal.


Natural Odor Elimination with Orange Peels

If you don't have soju, orange peels can naturally eliminate odors. Place peels from 1 to 2 oranges inside the microwave and run it for 30 seconds. Orange peels not only emit a refreshing aroma but also provide an environmentally friendly way to get rid of unwanted odors.


Maintaining a clean interior and eliminating odors in your microwave is crucial for a healthy and pleasant kitchen environment. Experiment with various methods like baking soda, vinegar, soju, and orange peels for effective cleaning and odor removal. Consistent management will keep your microwave clean, ensuring safe and flavorful cooking experiences.
