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Should Violent Sex Offenders Be Surgically Sterilized Instead?

by OK2BU 2024. 1. 17.

Concerns about the increasing incidents of sexual crimes have grown in society recently. According to the 2023 Sexual Crime Report from the Ministry of Justice, the number of sexual offenders is at a significant level, with a high rate of recidivism, often repeating offenses within three years after the initial crime. As a response to sexual crimes, "physical castration" has been suggested, but currently, South Korea only implements "chemical castration," a decision influenced by various complex reasons, efficacy, and considerations of potential side effects.


Should Violent Sex Offenders Be Surgically Sterilized Instead?
The manner of punishment for sexual crimes is a socially controversial and critical topic.


Difference Between Physical and Chemical Castration

Physical castration involves the surgical removal of the testicles to permanently suppress the secretion of male hormones (testosterone). This procedure offers a permanent effect with just one surgery, perceived as a safe and cost-effective choice. On the other hand, chemical castration utilizes drugs to temporarily weaken sexual function, requiring continuous medication for up to 15 years. Both methods share similarities in terms of cost, effectiveness, and side effects.


Cost and Human Rights Issues

Chemical castration features the characteristic that side effects naturally disappear upon discontinuation of drug intake. In contrast, physical castration, with persistent side effects, demands considerable expenses to treat each complication. Especially, chronic conditions among the side effects require long-term treatment, utilizing the public health insurance premium, contributing to the treatment of the offender at the expense of the public.


Policy Differences Across Countries

Most countries prefer chemical castration, taking into consideration human rights and cost issues. Denmark is the only country where physical castration is legally practiced, while some nations conduct physical castration with the consent of the offender. Since 2011, South Korea has been implementing chemical castration on sexual offenders with pedophilic disorder, and as of 2021, it has been carried out on 34 individuals.


The manner of punishment for sexual crimes is a socially controversial and critical topic. The choice between chemical and physical castration seems to maintain a delicate balance involving cost, effectiveness, side effects, and human rights. Ongoing discussions on sexual crime prevention and punishment are crucial, and finding a balanced solution from scientific and ethical perspectives is essential.
