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Enhancing the Flavor of Tteokguk, Traditional Korean Rice Cake Soup, for Lunar New Year.

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 13.

Tteokguk, a soup made with rice cakes, is one of the most beloved dishes in Korean households during Lunar New Year. While the traditional version with beef is delightful, there are various ingredients you can incorporate into tteokguk to enhance its flavor and nutritional value. In this post, we'll explore four representative ingredients that can simultaneously enhance the taste and health benefits of tteokguk.


Enhancing the Flavor of Tteokguk, Traditional Korean Rice Cake Soup, for Lunar New Year.
Enjoy a healthy meal with your family during Lunar New Year by making delicious tteokguk together!


Perilla Seeds

Perilla seeds complement tteokguk exceptionally well. Rich in protein, calcium, iron, and other minerals, perilla seeds help balance the high carbohydrate content of tteokguk while adding a soft and nutty texture that enriches the broth's flavor. Perilla seeds are also rich in dietary fiber, promoting digestion and regular bowel movements. Moreover, they contain asparaginic acid, which is effective in relieving hangovers, making perilla seeds a great addition for hangover relief. To preserve the texture and aroma of perilla seeds, it's recommended to simmer them briefly in broth with just a hint of kelp and garlic.


Ground Perilla Seeds

Ground perilla seeds are a convenient and flavorful ingredient to add to tteokguk. The vitamin A, C, and E found in perilla seeds possess antioxidant effects, activating intestinal functions and infusing vitality. Additionally, they aid in preventing aging and contribute to skin beauty. As ground perilla seeds are derived from perilla oil, they contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid beneficial for brain health. However, to prevent a dull taste, it's best to add ground perilla seeds during the final stage of cooking.



Oysters, a seasonal delicacy in winter, elevate the harmony of flavors in tteokguk. Rich in essential minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, and iodine, as well as vitamins B and E, oysters help strengthen the immune system. Particularly, oysters are rich in zinc, which protects respiratory epithelial cells and alleviates inflammation.



Oatmeal is effective in supplementing the nutrition of tteokguk. Abundant in protein and B vitamins, oatmeal enhances immunity and contains beta-glucans and avenanthramides, which lower LDL cholesterol and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, oatmeal is effective in preventing dementia.


In this way, by utilizing various ingredients, you can elevate the taste and nutritional value of tteokguk. Enjoy a healthy meal with your family during Lunar New Year by making delicious tteokguk together!
