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Scientific Reasons Why Pancakes and Pork Belly Cravings Increase on Rainy Days.

by 헬쓰토리 2024. 2. 19.

On rainy days, there's a tendency for people to crave foods like pancakes or pork belly. This phenomenon isn't solely due to the sizzle of frying oil resembling the sound of rain; there are various scientific explanations.


Impact of Hormones

Rainy weather often brings about increased feelings of melancholy and appetite. This is attributed to decreased sunlight, leading to elevated levels of melatonin and decreased levels of serotonin. Melatonin acts as a sleep hormone and is secreted at higher concentrations on cloudy, rainy days. On the other hand, serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, decreases, which can induce feelings of melancholy. These hormonal changes increase appetite as the body's metabolic activity becomes more active to maintain body temperature and digestive functions are enhanced, leading to a sensation of hunger.


Scientific Reasons Why Pancakes and Pork Belly Cravings Increase on Rainy Days.
On rainy days, increased melancholy and appetite are influenced by hormonal changes, leading to cravings for foods like pancakes and pork belly.


Charms of Pancakes and Pork Belly


A quintessential comfort food craved on rainy days, pancakes alleviate feelings of melancholy. Amino acids and Vitamin B found in pancakes promote carbohydrate metabolism, temporarily alleviating feelings of melancholy. Moreover, seafood pancakes contain iodine and calcium, while sulfur compounds in the batter aid in the absorption of Vitamin B1, enhancing mood.

Pork Belly

Pork belly also alleviates feelings of melancholy, attributed to tryptophan found in pork. Tryptophan promotes serotonin secretion in the brain, uplifting mood. Pork contains ample tryptophan, contributing to this effect. Additionally, consuming pork belly can lower cortisol secretion, the stress hormone, further alleviating stress.


On rainy days, increased melancholy and appetite are influenced by hormonal changes, leading to cravings for foods like pancakes and pork belly. However, excessive consumption of these foods can be detrimental to health, emphasizing the importance of moderation. Let's maintain healthy eating habits and take care of our health even on rainy days!
