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The Importance of Walking Correctly: Understanding the Health Impact of Out-Toeing.

by OK2BU 2024. 2. 25.

Walking is one of the most natural movements in our daily lives. However, if our walking posture is incorrect, it can have unforeseen effects on our bodies. Especially, "out-toeing" is a form of walking posture that recent studies have shown can have negative effects on the hip joints and spine. In this post, we'll delve into the impact of out-toeing and corrective measures.


Impact of Out-Toeing

Out-toeing refers to a condition where the angle between both feet during walking exceeds 15 degrees. This gait can impose stress on the hip joints and spine. It often occurs due to incorrect posture or habits, particularly habits such as sitting cross-legged or having excess fat on the inner thighs. Out-toeing can narrow the spinal canal, deform the hip joints, and misalign the pelvis. This can lead to problems like back pain and lumbar disc issues.


The Importance of Walking Correctly: Understanding the Health Impact of Out-Toeing.
The impact of walking posture on health is significant. Out-toeing is a risky gait that can adversely affect hip joints and the spine.


Corrective Measures for Out-Toeing

  1. Maintaining a Healthy Weight: To improve walking posture, it's important to first maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Core Muscle Strengthening: Training core muscles can correct improper gait and prevent spinal disorders. Additionally, it's important to stretch and massage leg muscles to keep them flexible.
  3. Maintaining Proper Posture: During walking, keep the neck straight, slightly raise the gaze, pull in the chin, and keep the spine straight to prevent the hips from sagging. Extend the chest forward to create a feeling of weight shifting forward, and lightly swing the arms back and forth.
  4. Foot Landing: When stepping, land on the heel, then the sole of the foot, and finally the toes, dispersing the weight evenly and minimizing impact.


The impact of walking posture on health is significant. Out-toeing is a risky gait that can adversely affect hip joints and the spine. Therefore, maintaining proper posture, balanced exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are crucial. Correcting out-toeing should be attempted early, preferably with professional guidance. Let's maintain healthy habits to enjoy walking and keep our bodies and minds healthy.
