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The Verbal Surge with Age: Understanding the Increase in Talkativeness as We Grow Older.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 2.

What psychological factors lead to the phenomenon of becoming more talkative as we age? To understand this phenomenon, we need to examine the psychological factors that change as we age. Loneliness, possessiveness, and stubbornness due to aging are various reasons that can contribute to this.


Loneliness and possessiveness are crucial factors explaining why people become more talkative as they age. As individuals enter old age, their social relationships change, and they often experience loneliness. This loneliness can stimulate the desire to communicate with others through talking. Additionally, possessiveness, where individuals emphasize their status or power, can also contribute to increased talkativeness. As people age, feelings of insecurity or diminished self-esteem may lead them to seek influence over others through talking.


The Verbal Surge with Age: Understanding the Increase in Talkativeness as We Grow Older.
To manage and overcome these phenomena, it's important to maintain emotional stability alongside changes in self-awareness.


Moreover, there is a phenomenon of becoming more stubborn about one's words as people age. This is related to changes in the brain due to aging. Aging reduces synapses (neural connections) in the brain, leading to changes in thought processes. Therefore, as people age, there may be a tendency to strongly adhere to their thoughts and beliefs. Additionally, as physical activity decreases and flexibility diminishes with age, these changes may further reinforce stubbornness in one's words. Furthermore, there are cases where stubbornness intensifies as a defense mechanism. As individuals become more anxious or fearful about physical or cognitive changes with age, being stubborn about their words can act as a self-defensive behavior.


To manage and overcome these phenomena, it's important to maintain emotional stability alongside changes in self-awareness. When feeling lonely, overcoming it through communication and social activities can be helpful. Additionally, it's important to psychologically accept and find appropriate coping mechanisms for the aging process. Rather than being stubborn, it's preferable to listen to and respect others' opinions. Ultimately, the phenomenon of becoming more talkative with age stems from various psychological factors, and by understanding and coping with them appropriately, we can maintain a better quality of life.
