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Overcoming Separation Anxiety in Children Starting School: Tips for Parents.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 4.

As parents, sending a child to school for the first time can be both joyful and worrisome. Especially for those whose children exhibit extreme anxiety when separated from their caregivers, many may seek ways to address this concern. Today, let's explore strategies to support children with separation anxiety as they embark on their school journey.


Common Symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder is one of the most prevalent anxiety disorders in daily life. It often manifests in children who are starting school for the first time or those with sensitive temperaments. These children may resist going to school, express a desire to return home during class, or even feign illness to avoid school.


Overcoming Separation Anxiety in Children Starting School: Tips for Parents.
Supporting a child with separation anxiety to adapt to school is challenging but achievable.


Causes and Relevance

Separation anxiety disorder can stem from various factors, including the child's temperament, parental caregiving styles, as well as parental anxiety or depression, which can exacerbate the child's anxiety. Additionally, anxiety may increase if the child experiences overprotection or interference, or if a secure attachment with the parents is not established.


Adaptation Process

Adapting a child with separation anxiety to school requires a gradual approach. Starting with parents accompanying the child to school and gradually increasing distance has proven effective. This gradual process helps the child overcome their anxiety and adapt to school life gradually.


Utilizing Supportive Tools

Having comforting objects that remind the child of their parents or caregivers can be helpful when they feel anxious. Carrying photos or specific items and ensuring parents can be reached at any time can provide reassurance. However, it's essential to use these methods judiciously, emphasizing empowering the child to overcome anxiety on their own.


Seeking Professional Help

If a child's separation anxiety is severe, seeking help from a professional is advisable. Play therapy or counseling can help alleviate the child's anxiety and improve the parent-child relationship. In some cases, medication may be necessary, so consulting with a professional is recommended.


Supporting a child with separation anxiety to adapt to school is challenging but achievable. With support from parents, schools, and professionals, children can thrive in a safe and happy school environment. Parents play a crucial role in understanding and supporting their child's anxiety, while seeking appropriate treatment with the help of professionals. Let's work together to ensure children have a healthy and joyful school experience.
