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What Causes Nightmares?

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 4.

When experiencing frequent nightmares, we often attribute them to stress or psychological pressure. However, there can be various other causes as well. Let's explore these factors to understand them better.


Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disorders

Nightmares typically occur during the REM sleep stage, which constitutes about 20% of our sleep. Waking up during REM sleep usually leads to remembering dreams. However, intermittent awakenings during sleep, such as those caused by sleep apnea, can result in not recalling the dream. Conditions like sleep apnea, which disrupt breathing to the point of breath cessation, may give the sensation of having had a nightmare. Other dream-related disorders like REM sleep behavior disorder should also be considered.


What Causes Nightmares?
When nightmares occur frequently, identifying the underlying cause is crucial for appropriate management.


Depression and Mental Illness

Mental illnesses like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder can contribute to frequent dreaming. These conditions often involve early onset of REM sleep and an increased proportion of dreaming during sleep. Nightmares, especially those involving threats to safety or unwanted content, are common in such cases.


Neurological Disorders

People who frequently experience nightmares are more likely to have neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease or dementia. These conditions impair brain function, making it difficult to control dreams. Consequently, individuals may experience nightmares and even repeat actions from their dreams in reality.


Medication Use

Taking certain medications, such as blood pressure medication, can lead to repetitive nightmares. This may occur because these medications can disrupt hormone balance. It's important to consult with a doctor to adjust medication in such cases.


Other Factors

Imbalances in brain hormone secretion, like with pituitary gland issues, can be another factor. This results from poorly regulated hormone secretion in the brain, disrupting the harmony between behavior and sleep. Consequently, actions performed in dreams may not translate to reality, leading to discomforting sensations like sleep paralysis.


When nightmares occur frequently, identifying the underlying cause is crucial for appropriate management. Seeking advice from healthcare professionals to reduce nightmares and maintain healthy sleep is essential.
