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Let's Learn About Hearing Aid Care Tips for the Hearing Impaired.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 6.

Hearing aids are essential devices for the hearing impaired, exposing them to various environments in their daily lives. However, due to their sensitivity to environmental changes, proper usage and maintenance are crucial. In this blog post, we'll delve into the correct maintenance methods that hearing aid users should know.


Let's Learn About Hearing Aid Care Tips for the Hearing Impaired.
Hearing aid users should strive to continuously practice these maintenance tips to ensure more effective use of their hearing aids.


Checking the Environment When Using Hearing Aids

Before wearing hearing aids, it's important to check if the ears are dry, if there's any hair spray on the hair, and if there's any dust on the hearing aids. These pre-checks help optimize the performance of the hearing aids.


Regular Cleaning of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids need protection from external substances. Therefore, it's advisable to wipe them with a clean cloth after use. However, strong chemical products like alcohol can damage the devices, so they should be avoided.


Earwax Management

The receiver part of hearing aids can get clogged with earwax. To prevent this, it's important to regularly check and manage the receiver part to avoid buildup of earwax. Using a hearing aid cleaning tool to clean the receiver part is recommended.


Appropriate Storage Environment

Hearing aids are sensitive to temperature and humidity. Therefore, it's important to store them in a dry and stable temperature environment when not in use. Avoid places with high humidity or extreme heat or cold. Additionally, using a dehumidifier can protect the hearing aids from moisture.


By adhering to these proper maintenance methods, you can prolong the lifespan of your hearing aids and maintain optimal performance. Hearing aid users should strive to continuously practice these maintenance tips to ensure more effective use of their hearing aids.
