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Preventing Overeating: It's Possible with Portion Control Habits.

by OK2BU 2024. 3. 21.

Many people find it challenging to prevent overeating despite their intentions each mealtime. Overeating not only leads to indigestion but also increases the risk of diseases like obesity and diabetes, posing threats to health. Let's explore eating habits that help prevent overeating.


Cutting and Preparing Portions Is Key

Thinking ahead about how much you'll eat and portioning accordingly before meals can prevent overeating. When food is delicious and plentiful, it's natural to eat more. Therefore, if you want to eat only about two-thirds of a bowl of rice, portion the rest into another dish beforehand. Additionally, when dining with others, align your eating pace with smaller portions than others; this naturally slows down the meal, allowing for more thorough chewing, which aids digestion.


Preventing Overeating: It's Possible with Portion Control Habits.
Overeating is an unhealthy habit.


Plating Food on Smaller Dishes and Cutting Ingredients Larger

Plating food on smaller dishes and cutting ingredients larger than usual makes the portion seem larger visually, effectively preventing overeating. Moreover, cutting ingredients larger during cooking results in less oil and salt being absorbed, which is beneficial for health.


Develop a Habit of Eating Vegetables First

Starting a meal with vegetables can help prevent overeating. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber and nutrients, causing a faster feeling of fullness and reducing the amount of food consumed. After eating vegetables, consume protein-rich foods. Protein keeps you full longer than carbohydrates or fats and helps increase muscle mass. It's best to consume carbohydrate and fat-rich foods last. Especially refined carbohydrates result in low satiety and can quickly convert to fat. Therefore, filling up on fiber and protein before consuming carbohydrates can prevent overeating.


Focus While Eating, Especially When Eating Rice

During meals, eat slowly and focus on the eating process. When a sufficient amount of food is consumed, the brain sends signals to feel full, signaling to stop eating. However, eating too quickly may result in continued consumption before the brain's signals kick in, leading to overeating. Especially when eating alone, it's better to focus on the meal rather than watching TV or using smartphones. This helps reduce the tendency to eat quickly and overeat unintentionally.


Overeating is an unhealthy habit. By following the tips above, approach meals with more thoughtfulness, enjoy eating, and maintain a healthy eating habit.
