At any point in our lives, we may face unfortunate and risky events that can plunge us into deep mental shock, resulting in serious aftermaths like PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). In such situations, what should one do? How can these traumas be overcome, and the quality of life restored? In this post, we'll delve into the causes of trauma and methods for recovering from PTSD.
Trauma: The Cause of Mental Shock
Trauma is defined as an experience that threatens safety and well-being. It typically occurs when exposed to risky events like abuse, accidents, disasters, or violence. When our psychological defense mechanisms fail to function in such situations, trauma occurs, primarily manifesting as functional impairments in brain regions like the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex.
- Amygdala: Responsible for recognizing and regulating emotions. When overly activated due to trauma, it can lead to exaggerated responses to stimuli reminding one of the event.
- Hippocampus: Plays a role in distinguishing between past and present experiences. However, experiencing trauma can reduce hippocampal activity, leading to an inability to evaluate events accurately and perceiving all stimuli as dangerous.
- Prefrontal Cortex: Important for responding to negative emotions. Experiencing trauma can impair prefrontal cortex function, making it difficult to effectively cope with fear.
PTSD: The Aftermath Inflicting Pain on Body and Mind
After experiencing trauma, we may accumulate negative emotions, and as the event repeats in our minds, it can affect both mental and physical health. This can result in physical symptoms such as anxiety, indigestion, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, as well as psychological symptoms like mood swings, impaired concentration, and hyperreactivity. If these symptoms persist for more than a month, there is a possibility of developing PTSD, which requires professional help as it can lead to other illnesses besides mental disorders.
Efforts to Overcome Trauma
Overcoming trauma requires both self-effort and professional help, divided into three stages: psychological stabilization, processing memories, and integration.
- Psychological stabilization: Realizing that one is not exposing oneself to danger.
- Memory processing: Repeatedly confronting the most difficult memories and processing them. Therapies like exposure therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are used.
- Integration: Assisting the victim's social readjustment. Enhancing patient autonomy and supporting the pursuit of a positive life.
Things You Can Do Yourself
- Deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing: Helps alleviate anxiety.
- Grounding technique, butterfly hug: Effective in relieving tension in both body and mind.
While overcoming trauma requires effort, post-traumatic growth can occur once alleviated. Sometimes trauma fades over time, but professional help may still be needed. It's important to consult a professional immediately if symptoms like anxiety or indigestion appear.
Trauma is an inevitable part of life, but it can be overcome with proper coping and treatment. Actively take care of yourself and seek healing for a better future.
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